It amazes me how little thought you put into supporting this article. If holding a certain point of view is a sign of a psychological disorder this only furthers to discredit the world of psychology as we know it today. First they take an obvious mental disorder off the list of mental disorders, and instead of reexamining this obvious mistake they double down and say if you disagree with our point of view you have psychological problems. How lame, and possibly dangerous, is that? Maybe next they will say all gun owners have psychological problems(my bet is some nutcase psychologist already has), or every conservative thinker has deep psychological issues? I know you are probably sitting there nodding your head in agreement with these suggestions because they are in line with your short sighted thinking. What if at some point in the future the tide turns and now your viewpoints become psychological issues? Its a ridiculous notion to even accept regardless of what side of the issue you are on.