Art Richmond
New Member
Package car Drivers at the Commerce city building in Colorado are not leaving the building until after 10am. All the NDA’s are being delivered late. Is this a nation wide thing?
Think about what you just said and imagine the response......I hate you. And I hate your motherPackage car Drivers at the Commerce city building in Colorado are not leaving the building until after 10am. All the NDA’s are being delivered late. Is this a nation wide thing?
There is no such thing as late air --- no commitments anymore.Package car Drivers at the Commerce city building in Colorado are not leaving the building until after 10am. All the NDA’s are being delivered late. Is this a nation wide thing?
Wrong. Even if you leave the building after 10 am they will send you a message asking why you had late air. You need to cover your a** in the morning and tell someone you’ll be having late airs.There is no such thing as late air --- no commitments anymore.
Wrong. Even if you leave the building after 10 am they will send you a message asking why you had late air. You need to cover your a** in the morning and tell someone you’ll be having late airs.
Trust me I give em.Man if I was still working I could think of a dozen snarky answers to their question.
Or just run straight air, and what’s late is late. It’s not our fault they can’t get the air to us on time.Scan. Pre record. Stop complete.
Yes, imagine being on the east coast when you gotta wait for the west coast NDA to get back to the building.Package car Drivers at the Commerce city building in Colorado are not leaving the building until after 10am. All the NDA’s are being delivered late. Is this a nation wide thing?
Scan. Pre record. Stop complete.
Pro tip on a quick way to get fired. NEVER scan a pkg and hit signature button unless u are at the location ready to deliver.This method will surely give you late air, no?
I thought you were never supposed to put air on Prerec unless you want to piss off your Sup.
The correct technique is to scan the package/packages, and hit the Signature button. Leave it on this page. It doesn't matter if you stop complete it 2 hours later, it will still register as on time.
Pro tip for ya rookies reading this.
Pro tip on a quick way to get fired. NEVER scan a pkg and hit signature button unless u are at the location ready to deliver.
Absolutely. Call your BA and ask him yourself.Is this true?
So it's better to have late air as opposed to not showing it register as late?
Is this true?
So it's better to have late air as opposed to not showing it register as late?
Hopefully you’re not doing this and then driving to the delivery location. That’s a good way to get fired. From what I’ve been told, scanning a package and locking it in, then driving to the stop generates its own report in the office.This method will surely give you late air, no?
I thought you were never supposed to put air on Prerec unless you want to piss off your Sup.
The correct technique is to scan the package/packages, and hit the Signature button. Leave it on this page. It doesn't matter if you stop complete it 2 hours later, it will still register as on time.
Pro tip for ya rookies reading this.
Falsifying records for managements benefit.
They’ll stab you in the back if they get caught.
Just like the managers that try to get rookies to ‘drop’ packages and text back the last name of the receiver because they’re sheeting them back at the building on spare DIADs. ‘Helping you out’ keeping late airs off your ‘record’.
Why would you falsify records?This is great to know. My job is more important than some reports.
What about closed businesses? Let's say you get to a business and it's after 5:00 PM and it's closed? How do you sheet it? NI1 and then Res?
Or Actually sheet it as CLSD 1 and COMM?