Listened to a President O’Brien interview…interesting what he had to say.

This is just an opinion...I believe that they will start negotiating when O’Brien takes office. Every Labor Union in America will be wanting to re negotiate their (Pre-COVID) contracts.

The Inflation rate is hovering around 8 percent, our UPS contract GWI of a dollar an hour which stands at 3.5 % or less will not cover our cost of living increases. The only saving grace is most everybody is working overtime but will pay the price down the road with their health and family.
If the CPI stays at the rate it is, we would get a 59 cent COLA raise, that's how bad inflation is.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Buy me out I'll leave

They won’t buy out hourly… has that happen at any time in your career here…??

The potential buy out could occur if our members under the Central and Southern were to receive pension benefit increases for their vested time as part timers. The could negotiate combining those pension hours straight into the separate full timers, much like the Western’s . So you would get full credit for your hours worked as a part timer, it is legal to transfer pension credits from one plan to another as long as it benefits the participants. Right now the Company has total control over the UPS Pension Plan and have contained the cost of maintaining that plan by not increasing benefits for the current participants or prior ones.

The writing is on the wall for every “defined pension plans” in America...The Corporations are eliminating them and converting them into matched 401K’s...these kids that we are hiring do not care if they have a pension plan, it takes 5 years to get vested, most leave in a year.

The Company is going to try to eliminate the part time pension plans that they have control of. The costs associated with maintaining these plans are rising, right now because of the markets they are balancing out, but there will be a time when they will crash.

All of us old timers are ready to go, the question is will the Company and the Union be willing to provide us with fair and decent pension and health and welfare package?
The potential buy out could occur if our members under the Central and Southern were to receive pension benefit increases for their vested time as part timers. The could negotiate combining those pension hours straight into the separate full timers, much like the Western’s . So you would get full credit for your hours worked as a part timer, it is legal to transfer pension credits from one plan to another as long as it benefits the participants. Right now the Company has total control over the UPS Pension Plan and have contained the cost of maintaining that plan by not increasing benefits for the current participants or prior ones.

The writing is on the wall for every “defined pension plans” in America...The Corporations are eliminating them and converting them into matched 401K’s...these kids that we are hiring do not care if they have a pension plan, it takes 5 years to get vested, most leave in a year.

The Company is going to try to eliminate the part time pension plans that they have control of. The costs associated with maintaining these plans are rising, right now because of the markets they are balancing out, but there will be a time when they will crash.

All of us old timers are ready to go, the question is will the Company and the Union be willing to provide us with fair and decent pension and health and welfare package?
I can definitely see them going after the part-time pension


Well-Known Member
The Kellog strike, despite widespread support, did not end with the elimination of the two-tier pay scale, as promised.

I do hope we are more successful in eliminating the 22.4 pay classification but that will need to come with some kind of consession from the high seniority, especially if/when we do go to a 7 day operation.

What is the solution for staffing sundays?
Just a thought, one driver works Monday through Thursday, lower seniority drivers work Thursday through Sunday. Obviously right now Sundays aren't a thing, but we all know it's going to happen. 4 10's just like feeders.


Well-Known Member
Just a thought, one driver works Monday through Thursday, lower seniority drivers work Thursday through Sunday. Obviously right now Sundays aren't a thing, but we all know it's going to happen. 4 10's just like feeders.
4 10s is not a good thing for UPS drivers. When will people understand this. There would have to be iron clad language that makes it impossible for me to be forced in or worked over 10 hours everyday. Which will never happen. I wish people would stop asking for 4 10s.


Well-Known Member
Just a thought, one driver works Monday through Thursday, lower seniority drivers work Thursday through Sunday. Obviously right now Sundays aren't a thing, but we all know it's going to happen. 4 10's just like feeders.
Most feeder runs aren’t 4/10… think that is the exception… we have none here unless you count on call drivers who don’t answer their phone… we have some on call drivers on a 1/10 schedule lol


Well-Known Member
How about ot after 8 still…
That's another thing. Plus what about the people that want to stay 5 days a week. Do they have a choice.

4 10s is a disaster and sadly we'll vote it in if it's ever proposed because we'll see the fake 3rd day off and won't be able to stop salivating long enough to think about it.

Carrot and the stick.


Well-Known Member
That's another thing. Plus what about the people that want to stay 5 days a week. Do they have a choice.

4 10s is a disaster and sadly we'll vote it in if it's ever proposed because we'll see the fake 3rd day off and won't be able to stop salivating long enough to think about it.

Carrot and the stick.
Different strokes for different folks?


Well-Known Member
That's another thing. Plus what about the people that want to stay 5 days a week. Do they have a choice.

4 10s is a disaster and sadly we'll vote it in if it's ever proposed because we'll see the fake 3rd day off and won't be able to stop salivating long enough to think about it.

Carrot and the stick.
Has 4/10’s ever been on the table?? We all work 10 anyway and they can’t even handle staffing for ground Saturday/Monday.


Well-Known Member
Your worried about being forced for a 5th day and I'm worried about forced for 6. Where I am the only people getting off early are the 200 plus stop runners, fake stewards, loser safety guys who guzzle dick every morning. Most people are working damn near 10 everyday. Thursday and Friday here are easy days with senior drivers going home so staffing isn't an issue thus why unless it's peak I don't see a Monday through Thursday guy needing to be working Friday. Like I said Sunday is coming might not be this year or next but it will be happening. So what do you propose we do about it. "Not working sunday" is an opinion.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Not all pt pensions are through the company…

Can you name one that is not...?

Remember the Western has their part timers contributing to the full timers’s plans.

The East I am not sure about, but I believe that the part timers under the 705/710 Chicago agreements are covered by the Company Plan, separate from the full timers..