Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
Just have the E-Board go to the airport and talk to each crew. EACH CREW not just day shift. People cried because Joe wouldnt come to the airport and pat them on the head, but their pockets were full and when their head was in a noose, he got it out. .

You hit it on the head AIRBUSFXR. Joe would never got us in this position he was always one step ahead of the company. The Company is working hard to get out from under the current contract and our E-board will probably accommodate them.


Well-Known Member
SDF is the problem? Please elaborate. Im interested just what problems we have at SDF.

Strike vote is very important. well said
Every inane rule or policy that UPS has imposed on us was because of some incident that happened in SDF. They took the first chance they got to wack mechanics because of all the BS that comes out of SDF. If we all act like professionals we would be treated like professionals instead instead of knuckle dragging mechanics. All the slow downs in SDF did nothing but make us expendable....
Every inane rule or policy that UPS has imposed on us was because of some incident that happened in SDF. They took the first chance they got to wack mechanics because of all the BS that comes out of SDF. If we all act like professionals we would be treated like professionals instead instead of knuckle dragging mechanics. All the slow downs in SDF did nothing but make us expendable....

I agree with you...seems to be an uncontrolled environment down in SDF.


Well-Known Member
You hit it on the head AIRBUSFXR. Joe would never got us in this position he was always one step ahead of the company. The Company is working hard to get out from under the current contract and our E-board will probably accommodate them.

The E-board cant change the contract until you vote yes on whatever they are FORCED by the mediation board to bring to you. Vote NO to a contract with concessions and it wont be implimented.


Well-Known Member
The E-board cant change the contract until you vote yes on whatever they are FORCED by the mediation board to bring to you. Vote NO to a contract with concessions and it wont be implimented.

Your right, ultimately it will be up to the membership to decide. After 4 years the membership has a right to know specificly why we may be striking! Blind faith do not cut it anymore! We have a right to know what the real issues are before we jepordize our careers and families. Four years in the dark is enough! Give us some real information before we go to battle...before we ask others to fight our battle. Information is power. The power to unite. Only fools rush to battle.


Well-Known Member
Example please.
Job actions like the one before last years peak and the one earlier this year. Holding aircraft hostage, extended out of service aircraft. OT bans. Back pocket write-ups. Seven day engine changes, I could go on and on. This do not even include stupid rules like:
1. Only UPS hats
2. Only certain color t-shirts
3. Only blk or brn shoe laces
4. Perfect attendance bonas changes
5 Phone call recorded by AMC
6. 6 in 6 attendance rules
7. No passengers in rental cars while on tdy
8. Recurrent training 90 days before due date
9. Hundreds of AB's
10. Plugging into aircraft before beacon
11. Professional AMT training (Coming soon to your Gateway)
12. Supervisors giving warning letters for every concievable violation

This is just a few things off the top of my head and they mostly came out of SDF. I'm sure we can start a new thread on this subject.

All of these thing are reactionary steps by UPS in response to stupid actions by some members . When we become assets instead of headaches we will get the contract we deserve. Trying to punish UPS by draging your feet when planes break only hardens there position. Would you want to pay people who actively disrupts your buisness? The road to prosperity is to become the most professional group in the industry. Only then will we command the respect we deserve.

Good luck with your Fight! I will now continue my flight south! Thank God for SWA.


Well-Known Member
Your right, ultimately it will be up to the membership to decide. After 4 years the membership has a right to know specificly why we may be striking! Blind faith do not cut it anymore! We have a right to know what the real issues are before we jepordize our careers and families. Four years in the dark is enough! Give us some real information before we go to battle...before we ask others to fight our battle. Information is power. The power to unite. Only fools rush to battle.

Feel Free to seek and speak to your local steward. If you want me to explain it to you ill be glad to speak with you at anytime. Send me a private message with your name and I'll reply with my phone number and ill explain it to you. Or you could just call the union hall.


Well-Known Member
Job actions like the one before last years peak and the one earlier this year. Holding aircraft hostage, extended out of service aircraft. OT bans. Back pocket write-ups. Seven day engine changes, I could go on and on. This do not even include stupid rules like:
1. Only UPS hats
2. Only certain color t-shirts
3. Only blk or brn shoe laces
4. Perfect attendance bonas changes
5 Phone call recorded by AMC
6. 6 in 6 attendance rules
7. No passengers in rental cars while on tdy
8. Recurrent training 90 days before due date
9. Hundreds of A@B's
10. Plugging into aircraft before beacon
11. Professional AMT training (Coming soon to your Gateway)
12. Supervisors giving warning letters for every concievable violation

This is just a few things off the top of my head and they mostly came out of SDF. I'm sure we can start a new thread on this subject.

All of these thing are reactionary steps by UPS in response to stupid actions by some members . When we become assets instead of headaches we will get the contract we deserve. Trying to punish UPS by draging your feet when planes break only hardens there position. Would you want to pay people who actively disrupts your buisness? The road to prosperity is to become the most professional group in the industry. Only then will we command the respect we deserve.

Good luck with your Fight! I will now continue my flight south! Thank God for SWA.

Maybe you should read your contract and the GMM. All of those things are required of you to be employed here. If you violate the contract or the maintenance manual you will get a warning letter. It has nothing to do with SDF.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should read your contract and the GMM. All of those things are required of you to be employed here. If you violate the contract or the maintenance manual you will get a warning letter. It has nothing to do with SDF.
WOW! You sound like my manager. No wonder we have no contract or competent representation.. Keep shutting aircraft down dude. Maybe you can get UPS to outscore more of our work or have another round of layoffs. You got what you wanted " Make the Managers Manage". They managed our jobs overseas, retired a fleet type and sent many good people to the streets. Nice attitude! You dishonor all hard working AMT's.

I now resume my flight to happiness. Good luck ....your going to need it.


Well-Known Member
WOW! You sound like my manager. No wonder we have no contract or competent representation.. Keep shutting aircraft down dude. Maybe you can get UPS to outscore more of our work or have another round of layoffs. You got what you wanted " Make the Managers Manage". They managed our jobs overseas, retired a fleet type and sent many good people to the streets. Nice attitude! You dishonor all hard working AMT's.

I now resume my flight to happiness. Good luck ....your going to need it.

So which one is it, Am I like your manager or am I "shutting down aircraft dude"? Can't be both.

If you havent been paying attention, They have been outsourcing our work for years.

If our current representation isnt competent I'm sure I'll see your name on the ballot next time.

For a guy who's on a flight to happiness you sure spend alot of time at the cafe.


Well-Known Member
So which one is it, Am I like your manager or am I "shutting down aircraft dude"? Can't be both.

If you havent been paying attention, They have been outsourcing our work for years.

If our current representation isnt competent I'm sure I'll see your name on the ballot next time.

For a guy who's on a flight to happiness you sure spend alot of time at the cafe.
These guys are just scared because its coming down to a strike. Almost all of these new clowns are Darmento fans and they are trying to justify not taking a strike vote.

I don't know where they come off saying crap like Im not doing my job or unionman is the one who needs more rules. I do my job, worry about what the hell your doing.

How can you not justify a strike when China is doing your job. We don't do any maintenance at this so called airline. If the reauthorization bill passes, which it will, your going to see more FAA inspectors over seas and its going to level the playing field for companies that just whip off checks.


Well-Known Member
These guys are just scared because its coming down to a strike. Almost all of these new clowns are Darmento fans and they are trying to justify not taking a strike vote.

Upgrademan you were not evan around when Darmento was here so shut your pie hole! The only thing Joe did was get us a Industry leading contract, increase our membership, and save guys like you from getting fired. BTW- No Darmento no upgrade for you! You would probably still be pumpimg gas.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should read your contract and the GMM. All of those things are required of you to be employed here. If you violate the contract or the maintenance manual you will get a warning letter. It has nothing to do with SDF.

This is why we need a new E-board! Why have a Union when its officers have this kind of attitude tward the membership? Is that what you tell AMT's when they have issues with management? No wonder we are getting BEAT DOWN by management! All they have to do is quote the CMM,maintenance manual or YOU, and we are getting a letter! Nice to know you guys are backing management on these issues.


Well-Known Member
Feel Free to seek and speak to your local steward. If you want me to explain it to you ill be glad to speak with you at anytime. Send me a private message with your name and I'll reply with my phone number and ill explain it to you. Or you could just call the union hall.

Give me a break! You can't even keep our website updated. The only source of info we get is from the hotline message which is used more to vent than inform. Its time for the E-board to do a road trip and talk to its membership!! No more communicating from cyberspace. We want face to face representation. You guys need to talk to the membership face to face before you ask them to step into the abyss.


Well-Known Member
These guys are just scared because its coming down to a strike. Almost all of these new clowns are Darmento fans and they are trying to justify not taking a strike vote.

Upgrademan you were not evan around when Darmento was here so shut your pie hole! The only thing Joe did was get us a Industry leading contract, increase our membership, and save guys like you from getting fired. BTW- No Darmento no upgrade for you! You would probably still be pumpimg gas.
I love you Joe. get a grip man.
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