Middle class morons


Well-Known Member
Have you ever seen the amount of c02 that a volcano puts out compared to emissions from cars? That volcano is putting out tons of c02 in one day that would take years of car c02 to match it.

You are correct and thus my poking fun at Al's expense. When it comes to CO2 emmissions, regardless of man's actions, nature itself pumps in enormous amounts just from the process of nature itself. When a tree falls to the ground and goes through the decomposing process, this tree is releasing it's carbon back into the atmosphere to re-cycle (free up) for surrounding plantlife with more CO2. It is a cycle of life if you will. Renewable, sustainable.

Globally over the last 1/2 century, man has developed more and more land that is cleared often of trees and in some cases all plant life and covered by some type impervious surface. These mass impervious surfaces also act as thermal mass (heat islands) and are we thinking global warming? If you live in a major or medium urban area surrounded by more rural, what your local weather and notice the typical higher temps in the urban area verses the surrounding rural area. How can that be? Thermal mass!

With more removal of plant life and more impervious surfaces, it only stands to reason that as a result CO2 will rise to some degree as less plants to act as scrubbers and the dead plant life releasing it's carbon into the atmosphere as well with nothing around to absord. I don't advocate being stupid one way or the other but I do feel we should be realistic and rational in not only looking at causes and effects but also at solutions in whatever way that may be and I don't advocate making it a gov't mandated solution either. Those turn into special interest for manipulation that mostly result in the problem getting worse, not better.

I'm all for a zero pollution vehicle just as I'm also for a zero enviro impact by human activity but you have to be reasonable and rational in just how close to that ideal we can get and what it would take to get there. I realize this is a minority POV from both political sides perspective but I also believe gov't itself subsidizes bad choices as they are embedded as mechanisms in public policy and central planning. If gov't were totally out of all subsidation at all levels, you might see some form of zero or extremely low emmission vehicle just as you might see modes of transport with zero need for Middle East oil much less any oil at all. What we call a free market today is a masked free market as tax law and other means of subsidy by gov't grant cartel/monopoly advantage to certain outcomes in the market place thus suppressing new ideas and technologies from coming to the top. Also it prevents obvious better local solutions as opposed to mandated nationalist requirements on how daily life is conducted. Even in the noble desire of being green we mandate wind or solar which might work great in some locales, in other locales a much better solution would work but then no wind monopoly might negatively effect T. Boone Pickens monopoly/cartel access so other options can't be considered. Kinda see my point with that example?

c ya!


golden ticket member
Klein....no kids and once you arrive at your casino/hotel of your choice, you never leave the 72 degree comfort of the A.C. except to go to the pool. In my place there are 3 fancy restaurants, Starbucks, a bunch of fast food places, buffets, gift shops, movie theaters, etc.....everything you could want. If your a true gambler and not a "camera around your neck" tourist, you don't leave the confines.


Well-Known Member
Reform will provide crucial new oversight, give shareholders a say on salaries and bonuses, and create new tools to break up failing financial firms so that taxpayers aren't forced into another unfair bailout. And reform will keep our economy secure by ensuring that no single firm can bring down the whole financial system.

With so much at stake, it is not surprising that allies of the big banks and Wall Street lenders have already launched a multi-million-dollar ad campaign to fight these changes. Arm-twisting lobbyists are already storming Capitol Hill, seeking to undermine the strong bipartisan foundation of reform with loopholes and exemptions for the most egregious abusers of consumers.


Für Meno :)
Klein, give me a better city than L. V. and I'll look into it.

You know it really doesn't matter ? But, Vegas would be my last choice, like I said it can only strive if the economy is up.
My forecast is a "Red October" . Thats when the double dip recession will hit.
Why October, you may ask ?
September 3rd quarter results will be more then disapointing.
The unemployed have run out of insurance. And unemployment rate won't see any major changes by then.
Inflation will have kicked in by then, (lower US dollar result), and the feds will raise interesst rates.
Uncertainty over the November mid elections will keep investing and spending low.
And finally, the federal debt is just getting to high, and big warning signals may come from China.

Remember : You heard it here first !


Well-Known Member
Better rethink your positions today. Goldman might have started a collapse.

There another reason the burnt individual investor has yet to fully jump back into the investment market. And to just pile on, seems now that JP Morgan has been manipulating the metals market.

What's it gonna take, how far down do they drag us before we wake up and follow the lead of Congressman Ron Paul and Alan Grayson and audit the Federal Reserve? OK, maybe we won't end it but is it too much for Congress to see the books and know what is really going on? We trust them to look at secret data taking us to war where people are killed and our own lose their lives but yet we buy this nonsense of needed secrecy handed to us by the Federal Reserve and it's minions?

Wake up People!!!!!!!!

Or is it true that WE ALL are nothing but a bunch of damn morons, they know it and play us for the true fools we really are?

And where are you so-called liberals who love oversight and regulation of everything? Why so silent here? The hypocrisy is ooozzziiiiinnnnggggg again!


Well-Known Member
There another reason the burnt individual investor has yet to fully jump back into the investment market. And to just pile on, seems now that JP Morgan has been manipulating the metals market.

What's it gonna take, how far down do they drag us before we wake up and follow the lead of Congressman Ron Paul and Alan Grayson and audit the Federal Reserve? OK, maybe we won't end it but is it too much for Congress to see the books and know what is really going on? We trust them to look at secret data taking us to war where people are killed and our own lose their lives but yet we buy this nonsense of needed secrecy handed to us by the Federal Reserve and it's minions?

Wake up People!!!!!!!!

Or is it true that WE ALL are nothing but a bunch of damn morons, they know it and play us for the true fools we really are?

And where are you so-called liberals who love oversight and regulation of everything? Why so silent here? The hypocrisy is ooozzziiiiinnnnggggg again!

That is the way corporate America works. How did it get this way?


Well-Known Member
That is the way corporate America works. How did it get this way?

If you find yourself completely lost, which makes more sense, just plunge along and hope for the best or do you try and look backwards retracing your steps and understand each specific turn to get a clear sense of direction? It's a fantastic question but how far are we willing to dig, how wedded are we to current ideals and explainations and most important how much effort are we willing to expend in truly understanding?

What is a corporation? What is it's history and from whence did it evolve? Who actually creates corporations? What is the historical purpose? What is capitalism? What is capital? What is non-capitalism? What is free market? What is laissez faire? Can non-capitalism still be free market? Is it important to know these things for yourself or do we let others just tell us what it is and accept this on pure faith as being true?

I saw on our local news where month to month unemployment ticked up again and just a few minutes ago I read this. Going forward? Let's just hope for the best.