Minimum Wage


What The Hawk?

People will do anything to prove their point. Logically the higher minimum wage in Seattle doesn't make sense. It may make sense elsewhere but not in Seattle.

What The Hawk?

Please define a living wage..LOL. You'll find that it depends on the area and the individual. I can tell you that the wage increase in Seattle (even full time) isn't enough to live off of, solo.

What The Hawk?

I just did.
If you need more assistance all I can do is direct you towards a dictionary. Look up the word increase and productivity. Hope this helps.
Oh yes, now because I asked you to explain you're running from it..look at facts and studies. You're clueless.


Well-Known Member
From your article.

"The effect of the minimum wage depends on a lot of things. It depends on where you’re starting from. It depends on what kind of economy you’re raising it in," Vigdor said. "There is no one 'the effect of the minimum wage.' "

That means that future research on the question could come to different conclusions. Vigdor said he looks forward to receiving criticisms of his group's paper and suggestions for improving their approach.

"It’s really important to emphasize it’s a work in progress," he said.

What The Hawk?

From your article.

"The effect of the minimum wage depends on a lot of things. It depends on where you’re starting from. It depends on what kind of economy you’re raising it in," Vigdor said. "There is no one 'the effect of the minimum wage.' "

That means that future research on the question could come to different conclusions. Vigdor said he looks forward to receiving criticisms of his group's paper and suggestions for improving their approach.

"It’s really important to emphasize it’s a work in progress," he said.
This is future research! haha this is a new study and the conclusion is different from that of what Berkeley did.

What The Hawk?

Seattle will implode because of their minimum wage approach among other things. I can't wait.


Inordinately Right
I like turtles.


Well-Known Member
if i find some articles from sources I trust on the seattle minimum wage, ill try and remember to post here. im guessing its working out good.

not sure theres any point in talking to 'what the hawk' about it, sounds pretty new to economics.

i think this thread is pretty sick considering some people want minimum wage workers to make less than $15 and then their solution is to have them work more. i find 8 hour days to be too long, i prefer 6 hour days, and i couldnt imagine doing 16 hour days (ive done it, made maybe the most money ever too) and 12 is way too much.