November Snapshot - More Bad News for Team Pelosi


Well-Known Member
Throw the trash out this November:

Love the way you guys go GaGa over a Reagan narrated you tube video....It's must be like porn

Just recently, Tea Party victories in the Alaska and Delaware Senate primaries shook the Red State nation. In Delaware, Christine O'Donnell received some 30,000 votes in the Republican primary, approx 3,500 votes more than moderate her opponent. In Alaska, Joe Miller won with about 55,000 votes for a margin of 2,000 over incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who is now running as a write-in candidate.
Do the math. For weeks now, our national political conversation has been driven by 85,000 voters and a margin of 5,500 votes. A bit of perspective: When John McCain lost in the 2008 presidential race, he received nearly 60 million votes.

You have to admire how a very small group has shaken American political life and seized the microphone/24hr a day cable news offered by the media, including the so-called "liberal media".
But it's equally important to recognize that the Tea Party constitutes a sliver of opinion on the extreme end of politics receiving attention out of all proportion with its numbers.