Personal and Economic Freedom for Individuals


Well-Known Member
A meme I find with a lot of truth in it.



Nine Lives
Many people who discover liberty so to speak typically have a Rand moment in their lives and most tend to move on at some point. Objectivism is not without some merit of consideration but I personally would not want to make it a life's philosophy. After reading Shrugged and getting the full picture of Galt's Gulch, to me it smacked of some kind of elitist cult and quite frankly I like more diversity in my life than that.
This is pretty much the path I went down.
The elitist aspect really bothered me.
I am an egalitarian at my core.


Staff member

Heard this on NPR today. I happen to agree with the author but I'm strangely sad to say so.


IE boogeyman
i'm not a fan of how the boomers handled America, but i dunno if i'd try to make a case for them being sociopathic

that's a pretty edgy word to throw around 4chan, but a book? come on


Well-Known Member
Basically, this guy is saying that big US Government programs like LBJ's "Great Society" has hurt America and left our children and grandkids to clean up the fiscal cesspool.
At least that was my takeaway.

If LBJ's great society is the launch point, the earliest boomers were just barely reaching voting age so this raises the question about previous generations at least in setting the table. No argument that boomers have not helped their own cause so to speak but I think @TearsInRain makes a valid point as well. Another interesting fact is that Bill Clinton was the first Boomer President yet we were well down the present road we now find ourselves. So where is the blame on the so-called "Greatest Generation" who up until then ran this circus?


Staff member
Basically, this guy is saying that big US Government programs like LBJ's "Great Society" has hurt America and left our children and grandkids to clean up the fiscal cesspool.
At least that was my takeaway.
I think he's saying that those programs are good for America but baby boomers have raped the programs and are leaving a mess behind.

Think of it: have boomers (who have held power for the last 4 decades) left a better society for the next generations? I don't see it if they have. It's all about them and always has been.


Nine Lives
If LBJ's great society is the launch point, the earliest boomers were just barely reaching voting age so this raises the question about previous generations at least in setting the table. No argument that boomers have not helped their own cause so to speak but I think @TearsInRain makes a valid point as well. Another interesting fact is that Bill Clinton was the first Boomer President yet we were well down the present road we now find ourselves. So where is the blame on the so-called "Greatest Generation" who up until then ran this circus?
The Boomers run Corporations too ... I think Corporations are largely at fault too with their 'sociopathic' attitudes towards their employees and customers.
UPS certainly changed the way I react to my world.


Well-Known Member
The Boomers run Corporations too ... I think Corporations are largely at fault too with their 'sociopathic' attitudes towards their employees and customers.
UPS certainly changed the way I react to my world.

If you've not seen it, you should watch the documentary I Am Fishead. I think you'll appreciate it. It deals with both Corporations and psychopathy.


Well-Known Member
The Boomers run Corporations too

No doubt but did the boomers set that table or did they just pick up the pieces and run with it? @bbasm argues boomers have run things for 4 decades but critical thinking would challenge this. 4 decades started in 1977' if today is the end of the 4 decades and most boomers at that time were not in position to steer the national direction. A good 1/3 if not more were barely voting age if there at all. The oldest boomers were barely 30.

America was still under the control of the "Greatest Generation" in league with the "Silent Generation" and it would be another 15 years before the very first boomer was elected President, taking the reins from a "Greatest Generation" President, the last such President and if Trump isn't the last boomer President, the next President after Trump will be. If the boomers made any mistake, it was to believe the stories without question told to them by the "Greatest Generation" and their "Silent Generation" partners.

@bbsam might have an argument if speaking say since the late 80's and that might be a little stretch but clearly from the 90's on, his claim is a slamdunk. From that point the boomers all but suck and I'm a boomer.


Well-Known Member
"Cooperation Is Libertarian

The Cooperative Movement is founded on the principle of voluntary
association. Any member may withdraw from his Cooperative, taking with him
that which belongs to him. In other words, he is free, in that respect.
And, since the ultimate aim of the movement is the gradual disappearance of
monopolistic and compulsory institutions, the individual will enjoy a
progressively larger freedom than he does now, if this aim is reached. A
cooperative association can tolerate criticism; it can be threatened by any
member with non-support, or even with opposition; any number of members may
actually secede and be free to start a counter organization, without being
shot for treason. In fact, a true cooperative is a creature of its
members; it has no power over them except what has been accepted by
voluntary agreement; they can overthrow it at any time; and it will only be
able to exist if it gives the service for which it was intended. This is
freedom; and, because cooperators acknowledge this freedom, there is hope
that, in the course of time, they will acknowledge freedom as the most
important requirement in all the relations of men. Moreover, they will, no
doubt, also find that the only liberty possible in human relations is equal
liberty -- that is, the largest amount of personal liberty that is
compatible with the like liberty of all."

Libertarian History: Mutualism (1927')


Well-Known Member
i love this thread.

As active as this thread seemed to be a few days ago, I thought a number of folks felt that way but seems in the last day or so, except for a bare handful of posters, this thread has all of a sudden all but gone dark!


Well-Known Member
As active as this thread seemed to be a few days ago, I thought a number of folks felt that way but seems in the last day or so, except for a bare handful of posters, this thread has all of a sudden all but gone dark!
maybe libertarianism is so good its dangerous.