President Trump

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Holy Guacamole Batman!


Well-Known Member
You white boys don’t get it or won’t admit it. Your fat hitler is :censored2:ed! Lol

I think we need an actual Hitlarian president to give you some perspective on how good you have it right now, but your non-stop complaining has blinded you to reality. Personally I think any American who says anything negative about America should have their citizenship revoked and put on the first plane out of here but pray to God I never win the Presidency lol


I think we need an actual Hitlarian president to give you some perspective on how good you have it right now, but your non-stop complaining has blinded you to reality. Personally I think any American who says anything negative about America should have their citizenship revoked and put on the first plane out of here but pray to God I never win the Presidency lol
Too bad you don't live in North Korea, otherwise that would be a reality. Why do you hate American freedom so much?

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
I think we need an actual Hitlarian president to give you some perspective on how good you have it right now, but your non-stop complaining has blinded you to reality. Personally I think any American who says anything negative about America should have their citizenship revoked and put on the first plane out of here but pray to God I never win the Presidency lol
trump inherited the greatest economy on record and pushed it into the toilet by his mishandling of the pandemic. Over a 100,000 dead Americans and rioting in the streets daily because of his divisive rhetoric. Do you really believe with his record he stands a chance of being reelected to a second term? He is dragging the whole GOP down with him. I believe his plan is for the pandemic to get so bad that he postpones the elections indefinitely.


Well-Known Member
trump inherited the greatest economy on record and pushed it into the toilet by his mishandling of the pandemic. Over a 100,000 dead Americans and rioting in the streets daily because of his divisive rhetoric. Do you really believe with his record he stands a chance of being reelected to a second term? He is dragging the whole GOP down with him. I believe his plan is for the pandemic to get so bad that he postpones the elections indefinitely.

I think you are more of a conspiracy theorist than Alex Jones on meth