PT pay increase


Well-Known Member
I just think they should raise part time wages for sure. The new hires make as much money as people that have been there for 5-6 years.


Well-Known Member
@cheryl . He needs some help with his charms.

Thank you.


Aw isn't that sweet. My stalker is following me now. ;)


Probably the Greatest American Alive
They keep making more and more every year
That's a good sign.
Inflationary deception. A popular con at corporations who want to show a cheery outlook. That's why UPS is trying to buyout over 58's. And increasing weight limits. They can't afford that pension.


Probably the Greatest American Alive
You're smart, playing the long game. I'm in that bracket too. I've seen plenty of friends/family getting jobs around me for like $18 an hour when I was far below that. Now, I'm at $16.25 an hour with overtime at almost $25 an hour, and those people are still going from job to job, or are stuck in a place they haven't gotten raises for years. And I'll keep going up.

The one real problem that for sure exists now though at my hub is that no one wants to be a sorter because they don't get that extra dollar an hour in exchange for having to memorize splits and getting :censored2: on every day by unload and their fellow sorters. And because they can always go to the sort aisle later to get that dollar, it just makes sense to wait until your base pay is high enough your skilled pay means something.

A good sorter, or sorting duo is definitely worth the extra money. They can friend things for everyone.


Probably the Greatest American Alive
Most Part-timers have very little seniority and no interest to stay around.

As for me, union meetings are scheduled right in the middle of my third job. I file on things around the hub pretty regularly, but I've never been to a meeting in my 9 years. You're never going to get an active PT union presence when the entire structure of the job exists to attract transient people and students for 1-2 years, at most, before they want fresh meat. That's on the rest of the union to fix.

Nobody is going to stay at a $10-12/hr job for a few years and get active in the union on the off-chance that it might get a little better if everybody does the same. You're setting up PTers to fail and then blaming them when they do.

They'd get better quality if they didn't make it a part-time job. Increase the wage a few dollars. They can load 3-4 trucks in 3-4 hours. Take an hour break. Load three 3-4 more trucks the next few hours. UPS, the corporation, doesn't really give a flying leotard about any pt'er or package driver for that matter. That's why the union exists. And also to rape us with dues.

Think about it. You'd pay them $16-19 an hour. Halve the benefits, and still save $2-3 an hour by having less people. And people save time paying drivers by having incompetent, illiterate dregs on the payroll. Just bring in the turds during peak. Make it 35-40 hour work week before overtime or 8 hour shifts.