Queen Elizabeth is dead and burning in hell


Staff member


All Trash No Trailer
Both can be addressed. You're not looking for answers though
Please.explain to me how the kangaroos swam to the middle east from Australia to get on the boat and how the penguins walked to the middle east from Antarctica to get on the boat.
I am truly seeking answers
Please.explain to me how the kangaroos swam to the middle east from Australia to get on the boat and how the penguins walked to the middle east from Antarctica to get on the boat.
I am truly seeking answers
I could take the time to find you an answer. You already told me what I say has no value to you though. Darn.


Strength through joy
The British and Canadians might decide they've had enough of the monarchy if the face of King Charles starts showing up on their money.
His reign might last longer if they just printed his royal behind on the money.
You know his good side.


Well-Known Member
I could take the time to find you an answer. You already told me what I say has no value to you though. Darn.
Problem is you have no answer. Perhaps if you were to ask those bible thumpers with their GED's and preachers licenses they might have a credible answer but I doubt it.


Well-Known Member
The British and Canadians might decide they've had enough of the monarchy if the face of King Charles starts showing up on their money.
The British are getting really tired of being "subjects" and are equally tired of the inherited power of a monarchy .
Granted the British monarchy has little to no power making it little more than an embarrassing and expensive to operate freak show.