Retire as young as possible he said!


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine, who was always harping the virtues of retiring young as you can recently passed.

He was a guy who decided very young that life expectancy in his family wasn't the longest based on following his Family Tree. So he set out and planned to be retired by 45! AND he DID! He lived to be almost 64! Almost a solid 19 years of retirement in before the lights went out. Led a cool fun life!

Since there are No guarantee's on Life Expectancy and all the other things that get in the way of living, he planned his life to be lived!

It's all about choices! Choose wisely my friend's!

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
My building has had several retirees pass away after only a couple years or less of retirement. You wonder if they would still be here if they had continued to work.


Retired 23 years
My building has had several retirees pass away after only a couple years or less of retirement. You wonder if they would still be here if they had continued to work.

You can wonder all you want but my guess would be they were scheduled for the big one then anyway - work or not.


Retirement is VASTLY underrated
You need to be sure you and your family are ready financially and emotionally. It took me about two weeks to realize I was no longer being paid to give a crap. You need to have a plan for spending your time. I also recommend that you retire in the Spring. Much easier to keep yourself busy when the weather is nice. I worked two years longer than I had too. Looking back, I should have gone immediately. You have a limited and unknown number of years on this world. Spend them wisely!


Well-Known Member
You need to be sure you and your family are ready financially and emotionally. It took me about two weeks to realize I was no longer being paid to give a crap. You need to have a plan for spending your time. I also recommend that you retire in the Spring. Much easier to keep yourself busy when the weather is nice. I worked two years longer than I had too. Looking back, I should have gone immediately. You have a limited and unknown number of years on this world. Spend them wisely!

So if you don’t mind answering, what did you end up doing to fill the void? Thanks


Retirement is VASTLY underrated
So if you don’t mind answering, what did you end up doing to fill the void? Thanks

I work out a LOT. In the gym every day. I walk at least 2 miles every day. I do wood working in my shop and I am working on several computer programs that will never be completed, but that keep me busy. During the season, I fish just about every day.

Another thing I find that I like very much is going to movies. When I was working, I hated the thought of giving up 2-3 precious discretionary weekend hours to see a movie. Now, we go on a weekday. I am just as busy as I was when I was working, but now I am busy doing things I give a crap about - very positive change!


Well-Known Member
I work out a LOT. In the gym every day. I walk at least 2 miles every day. I do wood working in my shop and I am working on several computer programs that will never be completed, but that keep me busy. During the season, I fish just about every day.

Another thing I find that I like very much is going to movies. When I was working, I hated the thought of giving up 2-3 precious discretionary weekend hours to see a movie. Now, we go on a weekday. I am just as busy as I was when I was working, but now I am busy doing things I give a crap about - very positive change!
How big are your biceps?


Staff member
I work out a LOT. In the gym every day. I walk at least 2 miles every day. I do wood working in my shop and I am working on several computer programs that will never be completed, but that keep me busy. During the season, I fish just about every day.

Another thing I find that I like very much is going to movies. When I was working, I hated the thought of giving up 2-3 precious discretionary weekend hours to see a movie. Now, we go on a weekday. I am just as busy as I was when I was working, but now I am busy doing things I give a crap about - very positive change!
Working out every day, doing little projects around the house, and going to the movies? That's pretty much exactly the plan I have for my post work life, glad to hear that it's a good one.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I enjoy doing errands during the week and shopping on weekdays.
I enjoy snowstorms.
I enjoy all inclement weather.
I enjoy going to see a friend. Or take a hiatus and just go.
I like doing hobbies, and start projects, and not putting them off for fear of when I can get it done.
I should have worked here longer, but I could not. I did not save enough, I should have, but it is fine. I have a life again..and I like that part.
I spend more time with my dog.. Thats a plus.
I dont have any problem staying busy.
And I have no dread on Sunday night of what fresh hell awaits on Monday.
Ive lost weight, and I enjoy cooking again. Even cleaning is fun. I can shop for sales, and I spend less on stuff I used to buy to make me happier.
Im just happy to be alive.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
You can wonder all you want but my guess would be they were scheduled for the big one then anyway - work or not.
Most people who die within a couple of years of retirement do so from depression.
I myself have had problems with depression and self-worth issues.
I almost took my life a couple of times.
And I prepared to keep myself busy but my knees went out on me.

Other people do fine.
Women, who typically concentrate on family, don’t normally have these problems.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Sorry to hear that @Old Man Jingles...i have many family members who have clinical depression. Some passed young age. I blame the meds.. And the fact they spent so much life fighting it, they never got to live.
Hope it gets better for ya. No diffetent in your job than as a driver..the metrics are everywhere. And with depression..impossible to handle...even for ones who dont suffer..the constant belittling and beatings can ruin your self esteem over time. It just does. Enjoy your freedom..your music...your arrived alive..