Revenue Crisis - Yearly Panic Time

Netsua 3:16

I don't disagree that Crony Capitalism has been a big problem. They buy out the politicians in Washington and rig the economy to their favor. They shouldn't be allowed to do that. The solution is to limit the power of Government. That way, the crony capitalists don't have anything to buy in Washington. Make government smaller and limit it's power.
I usually have to stay out of discussions like this because I get labeled a liberal commie, simply for having the ability to recognize patterns. It’s all happened right under our nose. I’m no genius, no socialist and certainly not Marxist; I simply desire balance.


The truth never changes.
We all want the same thing, money. When will you guys/girls understand that?

Every single action we do is to make money.

Raking leaves for your neighbors? Money.
Education? Money.
Management stressing you out (what if you can't feed your, kids?) Money.
You have a slight fear you'll be fired? Money.
Is your retirement not looking good? Money.

Stop, please stop. This is a game to put US against each other. They're just boxes and numbers.

Chill the :censored2: out.

Management is the enemy.
Union "hourly" is the enemy.
Money isnt the issue. Debt is the issue.
I dont need money.
Everyone else wants it from me.
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Well-Known Member
10-15% of your portfolio should be in precious metals. Look at the purchasing power of the dollar vs. Gold.

Cash buys less, Gold buys more. The purchasing power of Gold keeps going up, while the dollar keeps going down. Inflation is killing Americans.

View attachment 284770
You realize you're measuring the purchasing power of dollars, against the price of gold in.....dollars, right? This is a graph William Devane shows to angry old men on late night TV, but only for a few seconds so they can't get a good look at it.


The truth never changes.
Inflation isn’t the problem, its the irresponsible capitalism over the past 40 or so years specifically that's crippling the lower and middle class. Failure to adapt wages along with the inflation. Tax cuts instead. Rich get richer, everybody else swims in place or drops
Yep. Someone drank my (chocolate) milkshake.

Toot Toot!

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
If you have the right connection weed is always a good long as you don't use your own product.
Most addicts plan is to sell enough to support their addiction ... sell 2 and use 1.
The actual result tends to be sell 1 and use 5.
It rarely works out.
The guy I bought my stuff from didn't use much except K ... all his street dealers did though.
They were always in debt to him.

take your time

Well-Known Member
You realize you're measuring the purchasing power of dollars, against the price of gold in.....dollars, right? This is a graph William Devane shows to angry old men on late night TV, but only for a few seconds so they can't get a good look at it.

You're joking, right? The charts are from the St. Louis Federal Reserve. You can find them online by searching for "Purchasing power of the dollar".



The truth never changes.
Most addicts plan is to sell enough to support their addiction ... sell 2 and use 1.
The actual result tends to be sell 1 and use 5.
It rarely works out.
The guy I bought my stuff from didn't use much except K ... all his street dealers did though.
They were always in debt to him.

Has a nice dull ring to the name.


I have a friend who works the ems venue. They went to an overdose call in the country. Mom called in. Son was comatose from heroin.

They shot him up with Norcan and he cussed them out because they "ruined his buzz" when he came to.

They went in to tell his mother that he was alive and they found her unresponsive from a heroin overdose.

The place is going to hell and people are running hard to get there.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
From the latest call:
  • We need to lay-off anyone who isn’t working more than 2 days a week
  • Excessive hub sorts should be cut
  • No discretionary spending
  • Hiring freeze
  • Etc etc the usual cost cutting panic stuff like no uniforms or toilet paper
Lol, two of my new sups are job searching. The company wont keep people like this.