Saturday Sheet Show


Well-Known Member
I agree. Another thing I've noticed being a cover driver is how messed up pick up allowances are. There is one route in particular that is almost impossible to be within compliance because the times are beyond stupid. The first 3 pick ups are in the same alley which you could do from one park position because 2 of the pick ups never send anything. The allowance is 4 minutes in between each of these pick ups!

Then at 16:00 you have to be at 2 different places that are 11 blocks apart, so you automatically get behind there. Then at 16:10 you have 1 minute to drive almost a mile to the next pick up which always ships 20+ boxes of car parts! Even starting pick ups 15 minutes early, you'll end up over 20 minutes behind.

So whenever I hear about pick up compliance I just ignore it because management is too ignorant to adjust anything.

I talked to our IE guy one day. He explained to me why some routes pick up allowance is so off.

He said too many drivers go to the pick up load up then open the pick up and scan the end of day then stop complete it. He said this throws the whole system off. Even if you loaded 100 pieces for 30min the computer thinks you loaded a couple totes full of smalls because the pick up was only opened for a few seconds.

He said what you should always do is stop the truck. Open the pick up then load everything. Then do not close the pick up till you're ready to drive away.

Problem is everyone's time allowance is already set because they did the time study a long time ago.

I had to admit I didn't know thats how it worked and am guilty of doing it myself.


Well-Known Member
As a cover driver, I see first hand how unfair the whole allowance system is. I know 30 routes, the allowance varies greatly among those 30. Some you have to go full throttle all day and still be over, while there's a few that you can work like an old man and come in under. It's all BS.

It's one of the reasons I like being cover. You don't want to be stuck on one route with impossible time allowances. Doing every kind of route helps my mind not care at all about their numbers.
Time allowances can change by over 2 hours from route to route. It's not a measurement to be worried about.


Well-Known Member
I agree. Another thing I've noticed being a cover driver is how messed up pick up allowances are. There is one route in particular that is almost impossible to be within compliance because the times are beyond stupid. The first 3 pick ups are in the same alley which you could do from one park position because 2 of the pick ups never send anything. The allowance is 4 minutes in between each of these pick ups!

Then at 16:00 you have to be at 2 different places that are 11 blocks apart, so you automatically get behind there. Then at 16:10 you have 1 minute to drive almost a mile to the next pick up which always ships 20+ boxes of car parts! Even starting pick ups 15 minutes early, you'll end up over 20 minutes behind.

So whenever I hear about pick up compliance I just ignore it because management is too ignorant to adjust anything.
Get the pick up times changed. The times for you pick ups are random times. When pick ups are moved from other routes the times are the same.


Well-Known Member
Oh brother....whatever

You know what, I've had enough of you as well.

I have been asked to mentor new drivers and one of the worst things that they do is spend all day in the back of the car. Many are also very unorganized and tend to mix their pickups in with their delivery pieces.

If you are missing a package and can't find it within 30 seconds move on to the next stop.


Man of Great Wisdom
I talked to our IE guy one day. He explained to me why some routes pick up allowance is so off.

He said too many drivers go to the pick up load up then open the pick up and scan the end of day then stop complete it. He said this throws the whole system off. Even if you loaded 100 pieces for 30min the computer thinks you loaded a couple totes full of smalls because the pick up was only opened for a few seconds.

He said what you should always do is stop the truck. Open the pick up then load everything. Then do not close the pick up till you're ready to drive away.

Problem is everyone's time allowance is already set because they did the time study a long time ago.

I had to admit I didn't know thats how it worked and am guilty of doing it myself.


Bad Moon Risen'
As a cover driver, I see first hand how unfair the whole allowance system is. I know 30 routes, the allowance varies greatly among those 30. Some you have to go full throttle all day and still be over, while there's a few that you can work like an old man and come in under. It's all BS.

It's one of the reasons I like being cover. You don't want to be stuck on one route with impossible time allowances. Doing every kind of route helps my mind not care at all about their numbers.
My route resembles that remark. This old man averages 1 to 1 1/2 bonus a day.


Gravy route
He's a gamer... sorts truck off the clock and "walks" at a lightning pace...
And pulls add corrections etc. walks them to the clerks, etc. etc.
Dave, you have admitted to this in the past.

For the new drivers...Please understand the time allowances can, and are changed by management when it suits them. So some routes have great time allowances and some are nearly impossible to scratch. Don't worry about beating the numbers. Over the years on some routes I was an hour over allowed on a consistent basis. On another I was over an hour under every day. The numbers do not reflect reality. Just work at a reasonable pace and let management worry about the numbers.