
You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
its a cross


Go big or go home!
In my building we have Full Time On Road Supervisors with clearly visible tattoos. It all depends on your Center Manager.


Retired 23 years
File a grievance.

The company policies are different all over the country.

"UPS Dogs" on FaceBook or Instagram.... has all kinds of pics of drivers with

multiple tats, including full-sleeves and neck tats.
All I see on UPS Dogs on Facebook is a bunch of drivers holding stupid dogs.


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Tattooing your body makes god angry.
You will go to hell for it.

It clearly states in the bible you will go to hell if you have a tattoo.
Also wearing unnatural fibers like the UPS uniform means you are going to hell as well.

Are you reversing your stance? Do you now believe in mystical sky people. Next thing you'll be saying is you quit hookers and blow.

I miss the old you.