Stay and fight or flee

Would you stay and fight or flee?

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Virescit Vulnere Virtus

Quinnipiac University released a poll on Monday asking, if our country was invaded like the Ukraine was, who would stay and fight or flee. Hell yeah I’ll stay to fight! I love my country, warts and all! So out of curiosity, I ask the same of you guys.


Retired 23 years
I don't think America is ready for the true answer to this question. I'll give you a hint---we're doomed.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I don't think America is ready for the true answer to this question. I'll give you a hint---we're doomed.
I‘ll have to disagree with you. I think we have enough battle worn veterans, young and old, who would stand up and fight for our country. Not to mention, the other people with plenty of guns. We sure couldn’t depend on the soy boys or most of the PC liberals, but I think we’d be okay.


Well-Known Member
I would guess anywhere u ran would be more dangerous than staying.
There are only a few countries that have everything, mining, manufacturing, oil, agriculture, needed to do everything to carry on a modern life. One of them is Argentina. It's safe and far enough out of the way to probably survive a nuclear war between Russia and the U.S. I think the U.S. military is too advanced for someone to invade us. So if it comes to it we're looking at nuclear annihilation. Of us, our allies, and our enemies. The world will be a very different place after it's over and an extremely difficult one to live in. Like to believe it won't happen, that we'll, like the British Empire, suffer a long decline. The giving away of our manufacturing, the endless printing of our money, the destruction of our oil industry, means a declining standard of living, and unless Americans vote in leadership that will reverse course we're doing ourselves in without being invaded. Some here refuse to believe that but now even some Democrats are calling for opening up Federal land to oil drilling. What sounded good to them in theory doesn't work in reality.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I will fight for my country while all of the right wing chicken hawks run away despite their bone spurs.

Biden received five student draft deferments and then a medical exemption for asthma despite having been a football player and a lifeguard during high school.



Retired 23 years
I‘ll have to disagree with you. I think we have enough battle worn veterans, young and old, who would stand up and fight for our country. Not to mention, the other people with plenty of guns. We sure couldn’t depend on the soy boys or most of the PC liberals, but I think we’d be okay.
God bless the Veterans. That being said even in WWII less than 10% of them saw actual combat. The rest filled support roles usually far from the front lines. If our country was invaded only time would tell how many would actually "charge" the enemy. I would do it but it wouldn't be a running charge -- more like a shuffling charge. I don't run very good anymore. :-)


Well-Known Member
God bless the Veterans. That being said even in WWII less than 10% of them saw actual combat. The rest filled support roles usually far from the front lines. If our country was invaded only time would tell how many would actually "charge" the enemy. I would do it but it wouldn't be a running charge -- more like a shuffling charge. I don't run very good anymore. :-)
Comes down to logistics. How many ships and airplanes can we destroy coming across the oceans before they can get to us? If we are ever destroyed by an enemy it will be nuclear. Or we will destroy ourselves.


Retired 23 years
Comes down to logistics. How many ships and airplanes can we destroy coming across the oceans before they can get to us? If we are ever destroyed by an enemy it will be nuclear. Or we will destroy ourselves.
I believe it will be a cyber attack. Our power grids and internet will be taken down and we will be toast.


Well-Known Member
half of that 75 percent would turn and run if it happened. Good news is there are a lot of veterans in this country that know how to dig in shoot straight. the bad news is the reserves are a bunch of soft chubby kids wearing pink hats.


Well-Known Member

Quinnipiac University released a poll on Monday asking, if our country was invaded like the Ukraine was, who would stay and fight or flee. Hell yeah I’ll stay to fight! I love my country, warts and all! So out of curiosity, I ask the same of you guys.
Thetes alot of ppl staying in america probably less than 1% fighting for it at any given time and im excluding the wars abroad bc thats just empire building

For example, ur own president who u claim to love, donald trump, was censored off twitter. did u fight for him? no

Snowden blew the whistle on dragnet spying? did u fight for him or did u shoot the messenger?

saying u will fight is kinda like the worst of religion - it keeps ppl waiting

And wen u do finally fight, it will b sonething fascist and u will b fighting the wrong groups


Well-Known Member
Comes down to logistics. How many ships and airplanes can we destroy coming across the oceans before they can get to us? If we are ever destroyed by an enemy it will be nuclear. Or we will destroy ourselves.
Def will destroy urselves. and china will overpower u in 10 or 20 years


Well-Known Member
There are only a few countries that have everything, mining, manufacturing, oil, agriculture, needed to do everything to carry on a modern life. One of them is Argentina. It's safe and far enough out of the way to probably survive a nuclear war between Russia and the U.S. I think the U.S. military is too advanced for someone to invade us. So if it comes to it we're looking at nuclear annihilation. Of us, our allies, and our enemies. The world will be a very different place after it's over and an extremely difficult one to live in. Like to believe it won't happen, that we'll, like the British Empire, suffer a long decline. The giving away of our manufacturing, the endless printing of our money, the destruction of our oil industry, means a declining standard of living, and unless Americans vote in leadership that will reverse course we're doing ourselves in without being invaded. Some here refuse to believe that but now even some Democrats are calling for opening up Federal land to oil drilling. What sounded good to them in theory doesn't work in reality.
U never vote in good leaders

U think bad leaders r good, or bad leaders are bad lol