Supervisor shuttling misroutes

I usually respect what you have to say here but in this instance I am calling you out as being full of crap. There is no way in the world that your supervisor offered you a cold beer out of the cooler in his trunk while bringing you misloads.

Do us all a favor and seriously consider hanging them up in 2017.
He is in a good place right now. He knows he can retire. Now he can have a little fun and retire on his terms.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I usually respect what you have to say here but in this instance I am calling you out as being full of crap. There is no way in the world that your supervisor offered you a cold beer out of the cooler in his trunk while bringing you misloads.

Do us all a favor and seriously consider hanging them up in 2017.

The one person on this forum that is full of crap is yourself, why don't YOU consider hanging it up and get a life. We get more complaints about you than anybody else. You seem to get off bullying other people and belong in the mod que more than anybody else in there. Think about it.


Nine Lives
I usually respect what you have to say here but in this instance I am calling you out as being full of crap. There is no way in the world that your supervisor offered you a cold beer out of the cooler in his trunk while bringing you misloads.

Do us all a favor and seriously consider hanging them up in 2017.
Things are a bit looser down here Dave.
We take rules and regulations more as suggestions than law.


Well-Known Member
The one person on this forum that is full of crap is yourself, why don't YOU consider hanging it up and get a life. We get more complaints about you than anybody else. You seem to get off bullying other people and belong in the mod que more than anybody else in there. Think about it.

Simply admit that you made that story up and I will leave it alone.

BTW, your "holier than thou" persona is as fake as your beer story.


Victory Ride
I know of 2 drivers who got fired for drinking for smoking pot ...on the job .......... Also many moons ago ...I had a sup training me on a route .....he ducked behind a building while I was making a delivery smoke a joint ....he didn't last long


Never bought my own handtruck
Two guys who retired in the past couple years used to tell stories of doing lines on the 8000 shelf behind the local mall every morning. Back in the day.


Victory Ride
Two guys who retired in the past couple years used to tell stories of doing lines on the 8000 shelf behind the local mall every morning. Back in the day.
Plain stupid ...if you need to do any of that (drinking...drugs ...etc) while working need to be put away for a while
Jeff, you'd best run along to your Safety Meeting. Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky and they will be serving mimosas.
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