Table of Contents for the Master Contract


I'm a star
To follow through with a thought I had expressed in another thread a while back, I wrote out a Table of Contents for the National Master Agreement. I always struggled with the index, which should be at the back, as it is organized alphabetically by topic. The problem is that my idea of what the topics should be labeled usually doesn't quite match with the terms used by the authors. This has lead me to think some things weren't covered by the contract, when they actually were.

Anyway, it's a standard TOC, in page order, with article titles, and most sections titled to give the reader a clearer idea of what each article covers. I added brief descriptions where I thought they would be helpful. Also made some notes about some areas where I thought the organization of the contract didn't make sense. It is a rough draft, but should be usable as is. Feel free to use, share, print out, and make suggestions for improvements. I will gladly update with any improvements as I have time.


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