A Teamster business agent from Local 769 also is employed by the City of Hialeah Gardens. He is paid over $82,000 per year by the Teamsters (your money) and also moonlights as a councilman for this city receiving another paycheck and possibly another pension. You can verify this by going to City of Hialeah Gardens.. If government business usually takes place during business hours, then he is not doing his job at the Teamsters that he is getting paid to do. Now we know that he has two jobs, collecting two salaries and pensions. What else does he have his hands in? Is this a conflict of interest? He is supposed to be representing you, but his time is being spent on other endeavors. We, on the other hand, have been told we can't retire and receive a full pension until age 65. We can't take another job either after retirement. We have all these restrictions, but when it comes to the Teamster leaders, they can do whatever they like! If they are supposed to lead by example, then they are confusing us. They must believe the saying: Do as I say, not as I do.