The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


Well-Known Member
It chaps you that she got more votes than Trump for some reason and I find that amusing
No, I just like to point out that her getting more votes didn't make her the winner under our system. If she hadn't taken normally Democratic voting areas for granted, hadn't threatened the livelihood of people in normally Democratic voting areas she would've won the Electoral College, which is what mattered. Her arrogance and condescension brought her down, not cheating.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
But but but MAGA.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
It chaps you that she got more votes than Trump but still lost and I find that amusing.
Imagine if it was reversed.

I’m trying. Would Republicans be more butthurt over losing the popular vote by 7 million like they did in 2020 or winning the popular vote but losing the election?

The latter seems more clear-cut to me. Less room for conspiracy theories. Just the way our system works. The God Emperor certainly wouldn’t be pleased though.


Well-Known Member
doesnt chap me at all. @vantexan seems to have issues with Hillary being more popular than Orange Jesus and it's very funny
Yes, because we've all seen how Hillary can fill up a stadium. Funny how y'all go on about Trumps "Big Lie" but Hillary has been going on about being cheated since 2016. What's good for the goose....


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