The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
to continue that thought I am also open to the possibility that the Obama administration abused our spying processes like no other administration in our history.


Well-Known Member
and to finish that thought after all of these abuses of our intelligence processes over utilized exhaustively the fact remains that there is no there there.


Well-Known Member
it is my assertion that I am open to the possibility that they attempted to meddle. I am also open to the possibility that the Clinton campaign with the help of the Obama team cooked up this Russian story to defend what was some pretty damning information in the podesta emails.
even now the Clinton folks somehow refer to the wiki-leaks emails as damaging while ignoring the reality that they along with the DNC created the damning information found in said emails.

So, just to be clear, do you agree or disagree with our Intelligence services that Russia 'meddled' in our election process?

It seems to me, no matter what your political stripe is, one would be concerned with the Russian meddling.

You, however, seem to want to pin anything and everything on Hillary and Obama.

That doesn't make sense to me.


Well-Known Member
so what it appears we have is a coordinated effort by the democrats , MSM and our intelligence community to keep the trump folks back on their heels and render them totally ineffective to keep them from progressing their agenda.

this should realistically be the next star wars movie titled the swamp fights back


Well-Known Member
To continue that thought I am also open to the possibility that our current intelligence group with the frequency of their leaks and their total disregard for national security and confidentiality has demonstrated that they are not interested in being an objective provider of intelligence.
Yeah, the CIA, FBI and NSA are the true enemies of the American Government. SMH


Nine Lives
so what it appears we have is a coordinated effort by the democrats , MSM and our intelligence community to keep the trump folks back on their heels and render them totally ineffective to keep them from progressing their agenda.

this should realistically be the next star wars movie titled the swamp fights back
IMO ... that is what this is all about.
I don't really care but I'm enjoying the show.


Well-Known Member
so what it appears we have is a coordinated effort by the democrats , MSM and our intelligence community to keep the trump folks back on their heels and render them totally ineffective to keep them from progressing their agenda.

this should realistically be the next star wars movie titled the swamp fights back

addendum - our political process as fricked up as it is enjoys things the way they are. There is a fight in DC to preserve the regular order of things.


Well-Known Member
so what it appears we have is a coordinated effort by the democrats , MSM and our intelligence community to keep the trump folks back on their heels and render them totally ineffective to keep them from progressing their agenda.

this should realistically be the next star wars movie titled the swamp fights back

I'm not sure about that...Trump has created all his own problems.

You love Reagan...did Reagan enjoy this level of sh-show when he was President?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about that...Trump has created all his own problems.

You love Reagan...did Reagan enjoy this level of sh-show when he was President?

he has because he wont wear the white shorts when he plays tennis . He plays by his own rules and he has not loyalty to the regular order of DC. he is therefore a threat of epic proportions to those who wish to preserve the swamp.


Well-Known Member
ah you're not paying attention , they are the government.

No President likes leaks.

Every Presidency has leaks.

My impression of the 'unprecedented' amount of leaks in this toddler Trump administration is this:

Trump can't keep his (White) house in order.

Folks under him realize how deranged he actually is.

As well, Trump is big on loyalty...anyone who didn't support him as a candidate didn't get a job when he became Prez.

Basically, he can't staff his WH because he's a snowflake B, and it's coming back to hurt him.

Look, if you vilify the Intelligence Community and the Press repeatedly during your campaign, and then whine like a B when the Intelligence Community and the Press don't roll over for you, well, do you like apples?


Well-Known Member
Exactly, and Drumpf is a Russian operative.

10 months of blatant fisa court violations by the Obama people.
10 months of domestic spying of the trump team by the Obama folks
leaks coming out of the intelligence community at tidal wave proportions

and yet no there there.

meanwhile Hillary sold out our uranium rights to the Russians and filled her pockets.
Obama was heard on open mike telling the Russians he would loosen the strings after the 2012 elections

and not a peep out of you on it all.


Well-Known Member
10 months of blatant fisa court violations by the Obama people.
10 months of domestic spying of the trump team by the Obama folks
leaks coming out of the intelligence community at tidal wave proportions

and yet no there there.

meanwhile Hillary sold out our uranium rights to the Russians and filled her pockets.
Obama was heard on open mike telling the Russians he would loosen the strings after the 2012 elections

and not a peep out of you on it all.
It's 2017 and Drumpf is your POTUS. STFU about Obama and Hilary and own this friend* disaster of a presidency!


Well-Known Member
good job found something honest in that post

Do you feel like a sellout, even just a little bit, defending our idiot POTUS?

You're like TOS.

No matter what Trump does, you'll defend/backpedal/support etc.

I voted for Johnson.

You, however, have to live with your Trump vote.

God Bless you, son!


Well-Known Member
Through it all I'm fascinated by it all. Hillary Clinton was easily the most corrupt politician that ever ran for office.

you liberal boot lickers propped her up and defended her to no end.

and now you have the gall to become so concerned about possible collusion when you have been looking the other way for the last 8 years.