The union vs it’s own members


Well-Known Member
The really odd thing to me is the pleasure the union seems to be enjoying by forcning this contract through. A reasonable person would think to themselves, geez we negotiated what we thought was the best deal for our members only to have the majority say that it’s not good enough. Maybe we should have done better. Instead, we as paying members, get told, sorry your vote really didn’t matter anyways as not enough people voted. Almost to a point that the union leaders enjoy this outcome. If anything they should be ashamed. Thousands more of its members said this wasn’t good enough. Thousands of paying members. The overall lack of thought from our top brass that maybe, just maybe, if they did a better job they wouldn’t have to force anything through.

Nope! It’s just easier to blame others.

It’s a bad time to be a member of teamsters.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
A reasonable person would think to themselves, geez we negotiated what we thought was the best deal for our members only to have the majority say that it’s not good enough. Maybe we should have done better. Instead, we as paying members, get told, sorry your vote really didn’t matter anyways as not enough people voted.

Our Union leadership isn't stupid. They're just getting paid.

just chillin'

Rest in peace wooba
The really odd thing to me is the pleasure the union seems to be enjoying by forcning this contract through. A reasonable person would think to themselves, geez we negotiated what we thought was the best deal for our members only to have the majority say that it’s not good enough. Maybe we should have done better. Instead, we as paying members, get told, sorry your vote really didn’t matter anyways as not enough people voted. Almost to a point that the union leaders enjoy this outcome.

Since 8 PM Friday evening how many union leaders have you heard, talked to, watched on tv or seen in the papers? High fiving and smiling? What pleasure have you witnessed? WTF are you talking about?


Well-Known Member
Sometimes leadership has to save its members from themselves. It’s like poor people from the south. They will always vote republican because they think they have the best interest in mind when it’s far from the truth. The No voters are the poor voters who can’t see the forest from the trees.


Sometimes leadership has to save its members from themselves. It’s like poor people from the south. They will always vote republican because they think they have the best interest in mind when it’s far from the truth. The No voters are the poor voters who can’t see the forest from the trees.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes leadership has to save its members from themselves. It’s like poor people from the south. They will always vote republican because they think they have the best interest in mind when it’s far from the truth. The No voters are the poor voters who can’t see the forest from the trees.

To improve their prospects, they need to have a country and a Constitution.

So, they don't vote for the party that wants to destroy both.

Ain't that hard.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes leadership has to save its members from themselves. It’s like poor people from the south. They will always vote republican because they think they have the best interest in mind when it’s far from the truth. The No voters are the poor voters who can’t see the forest from the trees.
Wtf are you talking about?


POW-MIA.. never forget...
Sometimes leadership has to save its members from themselves. It’s like poor people from the south. They will always vote republican because they think they have the best interest in mind when it’s far from the truth. The No voters are the poor voters who can’t see the forest from the trees.
Give me a freakin' break!!! How can you compare this to the "poor people of the south voting republican", that IMHO is the stupidest thing I have ever read on this forum, {and that is quite an accomplishment}. How about the inner city people from Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles who have been blindly following their elected officials {Democrats} into poverty for 75 years whose only agenda is to keep themselves in power at the expense of their constituents? The States of California and New York one step from bankruptcy, { moral and financial}. This vote was apathy from the part-time with no stake in our future, divide and conquer at it's best!!! The NO votes were to protect your future employees from being lower class workers doing the same jobs as we do at a lower pay. Can't you see down the road? Once you can replace a top rate with a lower rate, the culling begins, one by one till all have been eliminated to the Company's' joy. As a Freight driver myself I am proud of our turnout, main reason, we have a much lower % of part-time, We sent a clear message, NO, that won't do. For our Union leadership to ignore the will of the majority of Small-paks voices is disgraceful. As a resident of the south I am insulted by your claim we are "ignorant and need protection from ourselves".


Just a turd
It’s like poor people from the south. They will always vote republican because they think they have the best interest in mind
I can't speak for the rest of the south, but in Kentucky they went Republican because they hated the fact a black guy was running the Democrats for 8 years. Yes , they are that racist they would cut their nose off to spite their face


Well-Known Member
I can't speak for the rest of the south, but in Kentucky they went Republican because they hated the fact a black guy was running the Democrats for 8 years. Yes , they are that racist they would cut their nose off to spite their face

And yet they still turned out to be right about him.

What does it say that people you call racists were right, and you were wrong?


Just a turd
And yet they still turned out to be right about him.

What does it say that people you call racists were right, and you were wrong?
They turned out to be right that he is black...ok.
They turned out to be right that all the poor counties that flipped to Republican in the last Governors race are regretting it because he dismantled their health care? They turnout to be right because all the poor counties that flipped their Kentucky senate seats to republican are upset now because they tried to make them work in order to get their welfare benefits?
No. They are all crying because the Republicans in this state (and I am only speaking about the state I live in) ran and got elected on an anti Obama campaign that played on and up to their racist leanings. Take you a trip through eastern and southern Kentucky before you flap your pie hole about what it's like in this state

Been In Brown Too Long

Ex-Package Donkey
The States of California and New York one step from bankruptcy, { moral and financial}.
Judgemental much? This holier than thou attitude is why I can't take any of what you say seriously. The level of hypocrisy involved with backing your Cheeto-In-Chief and the morally bankrupt people he appoints and surrounds himself with, while somehow claiming the moral high ground is astounding.

The only positive out of all of the is the end of having to listen to the morality police going forward. You've all sold out your own movement.


POW-MIA.. never forget...
Judgemental much? This holier than thou attitude is why I can't take any of what you say seriously. The level of hypocrisy involved with backing your Cheeto-In-Chief and the morally bankrupt people he appoints and surrounds himself with, while somehow claiming the moral high ground is astounding.

The only positive out of all of the is the end of having to listen to the morality police going forward. You've all sold out your own movement.
I can't wait to be retired too, then you can share some of that that you been smokin'.