UPS laying off Technical hourly employees


Well-Known Member
We just found out today that the SCS helpdesk is being moved to a call center in India! No joke.


It was only a matter of time. Anything to save money, even if it's at the employee's expense. $4 billion in profits/year? Come on, we can do better than that!
If they could move the drivers' jobs to India, they would.


Well-Known Member
We just found out today that the SCS helpdesk is being moved to a call center in India! No joke.


My MSN helpdesk moved their call center to India about a year ago and I cannot understand any of them, their accents are so thick. I have asked for someone who speaks ENGLISH but there isn't anyone.

I wish somebody upstairs would realize the friction caused by these outsourced centers. The pay is awful, there are no benies and the turn over is about 99%. These positions are no more than stepping stone jobs. And these people know nothing about the product or the company they're taking calls for. There will never be loyalty, dedication or willingness at these sites!!

Wake UP Somebody!!!!


New Member
Well trained on UPS applications such as DCS, HFCS, PAS etc. No one outside of UPS uses these things. The stuff that really matters like Cisco routers/switches/ASAs, Active Directory, GPOs, Exchange administration, etc. are only accessable to techs in Jersey or Atlanta or who knows maybe even India by now. I was lucky to have several certifications which helped me land a job. UPS technicians are actually very de-skilled compared to most IT professionals.

I would agree with this 100% ... SCS techs by comparison are very highly skilled. Since they came from a homegrown environment for building, deploying and repairing equipment, they were very hands on. Brown likes to compartmentalize their tasks so much that UPS TSG has to have word for word documentation or they will throw their hands up and not know what to do. Its not really their fault though because of the way ISNJ has structured everything with the CDS Build and other custom tools for HDFS and PMT.


I would agree with this 100% ... SCS techs by comparison are very highly skilled. Since they came from a homegrown environment for building, deploying and repairing equipment, they were very hands on. Brown likes to compartmentalize their tasks so much that UPS TSG has to have word for word documentation or they will throw their hands up and not know what to do. Its not really their fault though because of the way ISNJ has structured everything with the CDS Build and other custom tools for HDFS and PMT.

And then we would go in the corner and cry. Yep UPS wrote their scripts soooo well and the equipment was soooo good that everything I ever did went as smooth as JV's bald head. Whoever you are buddy, you dont have a clue about what it was like to work as a Tech for UPS. I learned many many troubleshooting techniques while I was there and developed real world job skills as well. Of course there are more so called technical people in the world but they dont have half the skill set that I do. It is not just about technical ability that will make you successful. Its all of the skills together, the troubleshooter, the project manager, trainer, asset manager, the customer service person, etc. that is making me successful since leaving. So no I didnt throw up my hands when the piss poor docs came out. I learned to make them work despite of how bad they were. Thats what we did in the NCR anyway. Now what you boys in SCS did, well I really dont care. You were never brown to us anyway, just some experiment that tanked.
We just found out today that the SCS helpdesk is being moved to a call center in India! No joke.


"The World is Flat" by Thomas Feidman is like the Mike Eskew playbook. There is a whole section on moving call centers to India.
Do you think they could dispatch my center from India with PAS? Probably already thought of that.


Well-Known Member
Any truth to the rumors that some districts are going to try to unionize? There was a lot of talk about that being the answer, but haven't heard anything lately.


Well-Known Member
Right on, XXTSGER NCR!

Impacted TSG, I surely hope they try to unionize...UPS will probably find a way to stop it, but you gotta try!!!! Let them know you don't want to be treated like second-hand employees anymore!


Browncafe Steward
Wow, you must have moved to a shop where the I.S. people are unionized. Let TSG_Lets_Unionize know who to call for representation.
Talk with 1 of the barn stewards, or call the local and explain your interest. How many in your dept? How many will vote for the union? Start pushing now it might get included in the contract. Our auditors are all union now and love it(02) contract.


Well-Known Member
Wow, you must have moved to a shop where the I.S. people are unionized. Let TSG_Lets_Unionize know who to call for representation.
I'm not at UPS anymore. I got out right ater the announcement was made in 2006 to get the seperation package while I could. I took it early, otherwise I would have had to wait until the local helpdesk closed to get bumped out of TSG and get the money. Had I found a job in the summer and quit, I would have been missing out on a a few grand for the package. I did hear that my old district is trying to join the PE union. Best of luck to them, I hope they get it and put the screws to UPS.

just "the boy"

So... first the SCS HD moves to India now 30 days and all local support is gone???

3 techs and one sup being axed here I guess TSG from small package is taking over?

How will they know all the apps???


Active Member
This may be old news but I heard when they split the SCS Help desk between Canada and India the eventual goal was to have it all go to India. The split to Canada was to train on more complicated apps before sending support over to India. They had to go to Canada because there were no H-1B visas available for the US so they couldn't bring the Indian workers into the US to train them. I read this somewhere but I can not remember the source. Has anyone read this also and do you think the Vegas desk is far behind?


Well-Known Member
I can see it now. TSG will be forced to learn how to speak Indianeese or what ever it is they speak until they eventually move TSG over there too. LOL