We are the US - not Liberal France


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I also know that you asked me to tell you how Obama is better than Bush on labor. So what the heck does your comment have to do with anything?
Have you said anything about what Obama did for labor?

Maybe signing the pension reform bill?

I mean, it mostly affects former laborers.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
A party that is confident in their governing abilities would make it easier for the electorate to vote, not harder.
Only restriction I would have is for a valid ID stating you are old enough and a legal resident.

Sounds fair and easy, right?


Family Leave Fridays!!!
"Where your treasure is your heart will be also."

Maybe prosperity isn't their highest priority.

When i am still out delivering I often see people doing things with their families after 5 pm and they are HAPPY. Enjoying life.

I wonder how they could be so happy when they're not making $75-100 grand a year?

Life isn't all about money. Most figure it out too late.

Let's try this again: these are people on Medicaid and collecting food stamps voting for the very politician who wants to take them away. It isn't about "prosperity" but surviving. The South remains the poorest region of the USA, disproportionately collecting government assistance. No surprise that every single state in the country in which 1/3 of the population or more does not have internet access is in the deep south. 30 years ago, Newt Gingrich realized that if the Republican party could align their morals with the South, that they could flip those states from blue to red. And he was right. Amazing how so many of these people vote for politicians just because they believe in Jesus and hate fags, yet support interests that directly hurt them (like ridding government welfare programs).

Kinda like the drivers on here who believe that if we lived in a Republican-controlled country and there was no union, they'd be earning $200,000/year and would still have their company benefit package + UPS would eagerly max their 401K out. Oh, a man can dream can't he...


All Trash No Trailer
Wasn't there a Republican President in office who had been briefed about the possibility of Terrorist Attacks very soon before 9/11/2001? Exactly whjat did that Republican President do? .......oh yeah after 9/11 he invaded a sovereign country, toppled the government and watched 4,500 brave US soldiers die so Haliburton could make 40 Billion dollars.

yesiree bob them Republicans keep us SAFE


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
8 of 10 predominant black counties in Alabama closed their license centers, making it very difficult for those black citizens to obtain the required photo ID.
Making it hard for ALL people to get ID?

So these counties don't have a motor vehicle agency to get an ID?

None of these counties issue driver's licences or ID cards anymore?

Every one in these counties make their citizens walk or ride bikes every where instead of drive?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.


My Senior Picture
I'm a steward...a union guy...we for the most part fight the fight...but am I the only union guy that thinks Obama and the democrats are the worse...without our freedom, without our right to live we have nothing...these liberals don't know how to protect us and our families...im so sick of this country trying to appease everyone...for Christ sake protect me and my family secure the boarders...political differences aside if we don't feel safe and secure we have nothing...what happened in France will happen here(I don't want to see another sept 11th).. unless we change our mind set...so yes we bicker and fight but there is a bigger picture..

This is a bipartisan issue.
It's bigger than our President, or either political party.

At what point will the World say...no more???

That's what it's going to take, a global effort, or we'll never be safe.

Who will lead the free world against this "mindset"?


Inordinately Right
And who in American can not get valid ID?
Just in time for the election lol:

The state of Alabama, which requires a photo ID to vote, announced this week that it would stop issuing driver’s licenses in counties where 75 percent of registered voters are black.

“Every single county in which blacks make up more than 75 percent of registered voters will see their driver license office closed. Every one,” Archibald explained. “But maybe it’s not racial at all, right? Maybe it’s just political. And let’s face it, it may not be either… But no matter the intent, the consequence is the same.”



Inordinately Right
This is a bipartisan issue.
It's bigger than our President, or either political party.

At what point will the World say...no more???

That's what it's going to take, a global effort, or we'll never be safe.

Who will lead the free world against this "mindset"?
If by "this mindset", you mean our role as a kid playing toy soldier with middle eastern politics since the 1950's causing all this blowback, I'd say no one. Republicans sure aren't going to do it. Democrats sure aren't going to do it either. Dr. Paul spoke out against this nonsense and the grand old party treated him like a crazy old man. Obama ran on ending the wars and that was of course a big lie.

There's no doubt in my mind, this is never going to end.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I have family that lives in Alabama.

In one of the counties that are closing their motor vehicle dept.

They said it is not a big deal, because most of the business can be conducted on-line.

I guess if you are a senior citizen without internet, you are screwed.

But why are you a senior citizen in the USA with out a valid ID to begin with?


My Senior Picture
If by "this mindset", you mean our role as a kid playing toy soldier with middle eastern politics since the 1950's causing all this blowback, I'd say no one. Republicans sure aren't going to do it. Democrats sure aren't going to do it either. Dr. Paul spoke out against this nonsense and the grand old party treated him like a crazy old man. Obama ran on ending the wars and that was of course a big lie.

There's no doubt in my mind, this is never going to end.
It's not just confined to "our backyard" now.

I'm talking about complete eradication....of anybody who thinks that way.
You're right, it wont end until that happens.


Inordinately Right
It's not just confined to "our backyard" now.

No, I'm talking about complete eradication....of anybody who thinks that way.
You're right, it wont end until that happens.
Genocide is what you're talking about.
These wars have been happening for thousands of years.... our involvement in them is pure arrogance and ignorance.