We are the US - not Liberal France


Inordinately Right
I have family that lives in Alabama.

In one of the counties that are closing their motor vehicle dept.

They said it is not a big deal, because most of the business can be conducted on-line.

I guess if you are a senior citizen without internet, you are screwed.

But why are you a senior citizen in the USA with out a valid ID to begin with?
Oh well if realbrown's family in alabama says it's no big deal, then I guess it's no big deal.
Let's try this again: these are people on Medicaid and collecting food stamps voting for the very politician who wants to take them away. It isn't about "prosperity" but surviving. The South remains the poorest region of the USA, disproportionately collecting government assistance. No surprise that every single state in the country in which 1/3 of the population or more does not have internet access is in the deep south. 30 years ago, Newt Gingrich realized that if the Republican party could align their morals with the South, that they could flip those states from blue to red. And he was right. Amazing how so many of these people vote for politicians just because they believe in Jesus and hate fags, yet support interests that directly hurt them (like ridding government welfare programs).

Kinda like the drivers on here who believe that if we lived in a Republican-controlled country and there was no union, they'd be earning $200,000/year and would still have their company benefit package + UPS would eagerly max their 401K out. Oh, a man can dream can't he...


You can post a link for anything.

I think you can even find a link saying Obama is rated best president ever.

Does not make it true.

But you keep posting those links.

Someone might actually read one of them one day.
Too many big words for you to read?

10 point

Well-Known Member
Let's try this again: these are people on Medicaid and collecting food stamps voting for the very politician who wants to take them away. It isn't about "prosperity" but surviving. The South remains the poorest region of the USA, disproportionately collecting government assistance. No surprise that every single state in the country in which 1/3 of the population or more does not have internet access is in the deep south. 30 years ago, Newt Gingrich realized that if the Republican party could align their morals with the South, that they could flip those states from blue to red. And he was right. Amazing how so many of these people vote for politicians just because they believe in Jesus and hate fags, yet support interests that directly hurt them (like ridding government welfare programs).

Kinda like the drivers on here who believe that if we lived in a Republican-controlled country and there was no union, they'd be earning $200,000/year and would still have their company benefit package + UPS would eagerly max their 401K out. Oh, a man can dream can't he...
Let's try this again.

Is it the politicians who "believe in Jesus and hate fags" or the people who vote for them that allegedly do? Your comment, again, is vague and inconclusive.

I'm not trying to validate your assertion. I'm trying to expose your lie.

I don't know of any Christians that hate "fags" or gays but I do know many who do not support the lifestyle.

Please give it a break.
Slamming the folks beliefs down south won't validate the growth of RTW.

Corruption in unions perpetuate RTW faster than "ferret" hating politicians and Christian beliefs.
Let's try this again.

Is it the politicians who "believe in Jesus and hate fags" or the people who vote for them that allegedly do? Your comment, again, is vague and inconclusive.

I'm not trying to validate your assertion. I'm trying to expose your lie.

I don't know of any Christians that hate "fags" or gays but I do know many who do not support the lifestyle.

Please give it a break.
Slamming the folks beliefs down south won't validate the growth of RTW.

Corruption in unions perpetuate RTW faster than "ferret" hating politicians and Christian beliefs.
All I know is the the right wing,far right wing, rich, GOP, fat cat, anti abortion, anti gay,anti transgender, anti black, anti Hispanic, and immigration,anti well-fair, anti Israel party will eventually distance themselves from us.

A little advice. Dropping a "ferret" blast isn't a good choice in any forum. It's a hate slur. It's a good choice.

I to am religious. At one point I got so religious for a while that it was probably annoying to a lot of others. Religion and political agenda don't mix.


golden ticket member
Just quoting Bagels.
I don't use that word myself.
We can't even use the word retarded and it's a real word........with other meanings besides mentally challenged people.
I wonder if we can use '*** ***'?

Moderation note: No you can't
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Strength through joy
ferret may refer to:

  • ferret, a British and Australian colloquialism for cigarette
  • ferret, a junior boy who acts or acted as servant ("fagging") to a senior boy at a British public school
  • ferret, or :censored2: (slang), an American English slur for a homosexual.
  • A short form used among stock exchange traders for the stock of Antofagasta PLC
ferret may refer to:


10 point

Well-Known Member
All I know is the the right wing,far right wing, rich, GOP, fat cat, anti abortion, anti gay,anti transgender, anti black, anti Hispanic, and immigration,anti well-fair, anti Israel party will eventually distance themselves from us.

A little advice. Dropping a "ferret" blast isn't a good choice in any forum. It's a hate slur. It's a good choice.

I to am religious. At one point I got so religious for a while that it was probably annoying to a lot of others. Religion and political agenda don't mix.
I quoted bagels. It's not my statement if that's what you're getting at.

The anti Israeli party is not the Republicans.
Time to look at the facts.
Reference: Obama's strained "relationship" with Israel.