We are the US - not Liberal France


Inordinately Right
The context used was "ferret hating politicians".......so ferret is probably not a cigarette, but a reference to a gay person. Shouldn't be use in that context, but I guess it's acceptable now. Could we also say queer hating politicians?
You can say whatever you want as far as I'm concerned.
"ferret hating" is not an insult to homosexuals, it's an insult to bigots, which are fair game for insults in my book. Context.


Well-Known Member
Which Republicans have said this?

Please don't spare any names.
A person can make ten statements on a topic and with that we come to a conclusion of his belief. You want names of Republicans saying an end to Unions? If a single 45 year old man buys a home across the street from a elementary school, fills his front yard with toys, inside the home video games and candy, hidden cameras in the bathrooms. You would be that person asked for a quote saying what he's all about. Sometimes a persons actions are proof. But its gets me how you're a proud union member and choose to ignore the GOP agenda on Unions. realbrown1 should be changed to "Clayton Bigsby". But here are a few republicans and what they think of unions:

Scott Walker Wis., compared unions to ISIS. Nikki Haley Gov. SC. Said no unions in my state. How many Right to work states that aren't Red?
Bill O'Reilly Says Unions are bankrupting America. The leader of the Republican party, Rush Limbaugh, says Union Leaders are Thugs.

From your own news source....


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
A person can make ten statements on a topic and with that we come to a conclusion of his belief. You want names of Republicans saying an end to Unions? If a single 45 year old man buys a home across the street from a elementary school, fills his front yard with toys, inside the home video games and candy, hidden cameras in the bathrooms. You would be that person asked for a quote saying what he's all about. Sometimes a persons actions are proof. But its gets me how you're a proud union member and choose to ignore the GOP agenda on Unions. realbrown1 should be changed to "Clayton Bigsby". But here are a few republicans and what they think of unions:

Scott Walker Wis., compared unions to ISIS. Nikki Haley Gov. SC. Said no unions in my state. How many Right to work states that aren't Red?
Bill O'Reilly Says Unions are bankrupting America. The leader of the Republican party, Rush Limbaugh, says Union Leaders are Thugs.

From your own news source....
Scott Walker compared PUBLIC EMPLOYEE UNIONS to ISIS.

He was right.

They are thugs.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I'm a steward...a union guy...we for the most part fight the fight...but am I the only union guy that thinks Obama and the democrats are the worse...without our freedom, without our right to live we have nothing...these liberals don't know how to protect us and our families...im so sick of this country trying to appease everyone...for Christ sake protect me and my family secure the boarders...political differences aside if we don't feel safe and secure we have nothing...what happened in France will happen here(I don't want to see another sept 11th).. unless we change our mind set...so yes we bicker and fight but there is a bigger picture..

It is a straw man argument talking about the union - Democrats or Republicans when discussing the protection of the people from foreign and domestic enemies. This is a bi-partisan topic. It revolves around leadership. We have a president who panders to the far left instead of doing what is right for the country. The fault I find with the above statement is "trying to appease everyone". Unless that was meant to say both sides pander to their base, however we are talking about the president and his lack of ability to lead. He is the leader of the free world and must make decisions that don't agree with his far left base to protect all of us. Pandering to one small part of this country does not a leader make... Talking about a coalition of 64 countries does not make it so. Talk is cheap! Obama's base won't turn on him until God forbid there is another major attack on US soil. Let us hope and pray that does not happen until a true leader is elected next year and can take power in 2017.


golden ticket member
It is a straw man argument talking about the union - Democrats or Republicans when discussing the protection of the people from foreign and domestic enemies. This is a bi-partisan topic. It revolves around leadership. We have a president who panders to the far left instead of doing what is right for the country. The fault I find with the above statement is "trying to appease everyone". Unless that was meant to say both sides pander to their base, however we are talking about the president and his lack of ability to lead. He is the leader of the free world and must make decisions that don't agree with his far left base to protect all of us. Pandering to one small part of this country does not a leader make... Talking about a coalition of 64 countries does not make it so. Talk is cheap! Obama's base won't turn on him until God forbid there is another major attack on US soil. Let us hope and pray that does not happen until a true leader is elected next year and can take power in 2017.
Lifer....be sure and check your conversation inbox.....Happy New Year!


Well-Known Member
I'm a steward...a union guy...we for the most part fight the fight...but am I the only union guy that thinks Obama and the democrats are the worse...without our freedom, without our right to live we have nothing...these liberals don't know how to protect us and our families...im so sick of this country trying to appease everyone...for Christ sake protect me and my family secure the boarders...political differences aside if we don't feel safe and secure we have nothing...what happened in France will happen here(I don't want to see another sept 11th).. unless we change our mind set...so yes we bicker and fight but there is a bigger picture..

what happened in france will happen in america because neither democrats nor republicans stand up to the military empire which creates so many terrorists in the first place! and both parties have sold out the average american to corporate interests.

these are the dark times for america, and you will get a crazy as president if nothing changes for the better fast. average joes are getting desperate


nowhere special
PARIS (Reuters) - Police shut a mosque east of Paris and arrested the owner of a revolver found in related raids on Wednesday as part of a crackdown called after the Nov. 13 attacks on the capital, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said.

Security officers found jihadist documents at the mosque where Wednesday's raids took place and at related premises in Lagny-sur-Marne, placed a total of nine people under house arrest and banned another 22 from leaving the country.

"In 15 days we have seized one-third of the quantity of war-grade weapons that are normally seized in a year," Cazeneuve said


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
PARIS (Reuters) - Police shut a mosque east of Paris and arrested the owner of a revolver found in related raids on Wednesday as part of a crackdown called after the Nov. 13 attacks on the capital, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said.

Security officers found jihadist documents at the mosque where Wednesday's raids took place and at related premises in Lagny-sur-Marne, placed a total of nine people under house arrest and banned another 22 from leaving the country.

"In 15 days we have seized one-third of the quantity of war-grade weapons that are normally seized in a year," Cazeneuve said


Wait a second.. arent you one of those people who say "guns dont kill people" ... yet, you want to support the seizure of weapons ???

Hypocrite much?
