What does the Bible say about...........???? "On Topic"


Staff member
I don’t like the argument of there can be high functioning cult members.

I’m really not interested in it at all. Even when Shapiro was doing his Jew fairy tales at the end of every show I would just turn it off. I suffer from cultistphobia, one on one it’s not bad but when y’all gather in groups it’s concerning.
Lol. For someone insisting they don’t believe in God, it’s a topic you spend a lot of time with.

It’s like we tell alcoholics all the time:

people that don’t have a drinking problem don’t walk around all day worrying about whether they’re going to drink that night or not.

El Correcto

god is dead
Lol. For someone insisting they don’t believe in God, it’s a topic you spend a lot of time with.

It’s like we tell alcoholics all the time:

people that don’t have a drinking problem don’t walk around all day worrying about whether they’re going to drink that night or not.
By that logic CNN is a bunch of Trump supporters.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
the holy spirit only operates within a believer while they are reading the bible
Please show me where this is in the Bible. Thanks.
what goes on within the person when they are not reading the bible?
Pretty much just about everything.
I think its more of a situation where you have the individual & their soul. The soul is the actual consciousness of the person. the spirit is on one side & the flesh on the other. If you partake in the flesh the spirit gets "weaker", if you partake in the spirit the flesh gets weaker.
I THINK.....
Please give the text for what you are saying here. Then we can have a discussion about what the Bible says. Thanks.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

Midi-chlorians are inside everyone, they connect us to the greatest force in the universe. It's a symbiotic relationship going back to the beginning of time. In fact, life itself might not be possible without them.

Obviously their concentration is different for each individual. Some have such a high amount they can defy physics and perform what might appear miraculous. The greatest of the sith have brought the dead back to life with this connection to the force. The greatest of the Jedi have used them to attain immortality.
Look at the title of the thread super troll... What does the Bible say......
Get the scripture for your nonsense . No scripture? Blow on.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Armenianism- 100% choice
Hard line Calvinism- 100% chosen
I take more of a middle stance. I do believe "some people " are chosen or elected as messengers to proclaim but I believe that for the vast majority it is up to them to choose.
"Some people" are chosen and elected messengers ..... Where is the passage?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
And my original question still stands...whether they never heard the gospel, or couldn't live by it, or refused to accept it, the Bible makes it clear, and I'm not talking Calvinism, that most won't go to heaven. How can God be just if he let's billions be born into this world only to send them to eternal damnation?
His judgement will be just.
Stop thinking in human terms.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
OK, here's my question...

I will be denied eternal life because I'm not a believer.
I require some kind of proof that He exists. Perhaps make an appearance and cure all cancer, that would do it for me.

So, isn't it God who made me this way? (Someone who requires proof before just believing).
Read Luke 16: 19 -31
They have Moses and the Prophets.
The lesson is we have more than that. The 27 books of the NT. In other words Abraham's words to the rich man about what his brothers have, it's proof enough for us.