When Being A Thug About It Goes Wrong

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
For obvious reasons. Every time the Federal government has cut taxes government revenue has increased. But spending increased with it instead of being fiscally responsible. And you can't say it was population growth if revenues start increasing as soon as taxes are cut, or shortly after. The Dems just want to redistribute wealth to those dependent on them so that they get votes and stay in power. It's a failed model as far as general prosperity goes. And now we have a bloated budget that Republicans are scared to trim for fear of losing elections. So we'll just head towards that cliff and sail into the abyss in due time.
Why I vote L* every chance I get ... neither party deserves my vote!

*Libertarian or 3rd party

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
For obvious reasons. Every time the Federal government has cut taxes government revenue has increased. But spending increased with it instead of being fiscally responsible. And you can't say it was population growth if revenues start increasing as soon as taxes are cut, or shortly after. The Dems just want to redistribute wealth to those dependent on them so that they get votes and stay in power. It's a failed model as far as general prosperity goes. And now we have a bloated budget that Republicans are scared to trim for fear of losing elections. So we'll just head towards that cliff and sail into the abyss in due time.
You are wrong in your understanding of revenues. Tax revenue increased less than expected after the tax cuts. It increased at one of lowest rates in 50 years. That happens every time Republicans cut taxes, revenue increases are slower than they should be when factoring in population growth, inflation, etc.


Well-Known Member
You are wrong in your understanding of revenues. Tax revenue increased less than expected after the tax cuts. It increased at one of lowest rates in 50 years. That happens every time Republicans cut taxes, revenue increases are slower than they should be when factoring in population growth, inflation, etc.
The fact is it increased. But the budget increased too as Trump increased military spending and compromised with Democrats to give them spending they wanted so that he could get the votes necessary to get his military spending. A lot of Republicans weren't onboard. Obama didn't get increases in spending. He paid bills by printing money and gutting the military. And still spent more than all previous presidents.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Tax revenue increases with population growth regardless of tax policy. The biggest test of trickle down was Kansas and it was a massive failure.
Except when that population growth comes from people whose tax supported benefits exceeds their tax burden. You know, the unproductive segment that makes more babies than they can support.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
You are wrong in your understanding of revenues. Tax revenue increased less than expected after the tax cuts. It increased at one of lowest rates in 50 years. That happens every time Republicans cut taxes, revenue increases are slower than they should be when factoring in population growth, inflation, etc.
Well, that's an earth-shattering revelation you've provided there!

Whodathunk that reducing the supply (of taxes) would cut tax revenue, until the economic engine that the reduced taxes encouraged has a chance to expand!

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Well, that's an earth-shattering revelation you've provided there!

Whodathunk that reducing the supply (of taxes) would cut tax revenue, until the economic engine that the reduced taxes encouraged has a chance to expand!
The second part there is where trickle down always fails. There is no additional economic growth and tax revenue is only decreased resulting in lower public services that stifles growth and the general well being of society.


Well-Known Member
For obvious reasons. Every time the Federal government has cut taxes government revenue has increased. But spending increased with it instead of being fiscally responsible. And you can't say it was population growth if revenues start increasing as soon as taxes are cut, or shortly after. The Dems just want to redistribute wealth to those dependent on them so that they get votes and stay in power. It's a failed model as far as general prosperity goes. And now we have a bloated budget that Republicans are scared to trim for fear of losing elections. So we'll just head towards that cliff and sail into the abyss in due time.
Exactly, which is why it makes perfect sense that the end result of said failed model is socialism. Concentration of power to the idiot government with little to no say over where your money goes (or doesnt go).


Well-Known Member
The fact is it increased. But the budget increased too as Trump increased military spending and compromised with Democrats to give them spending they wanted so that he could get the votes necessary to get his military spending. A lot of Republicans weren't onboard. Obama didn't get increases in spending. He paid bills by printing money and gutting the military. And still spent more than all previous presidents.
Should've said Obama didn't get increases in revenue.


Well-Known Member
The second part there is where trickle down always fails. There is no additional economic growth and tax revenue is only decreased resulting in lower public services that stifles growth and the general well being of society.
Then why didn't Obama have a higher GDP? Extremely weak recovery under him.


Well-Known Member
Out of the top 15 earners for states 11 of them are democratic states.

Of the bottom 15 earners 12 of them are republican.

Of the top 12 states that require federally funded money to function. 10 of them are republican.

If states were self reliant, within a decade (no changes to economy) only 4 democratic states would go bankrupt. Compared to 14 republican states.

You can do the math yourself. Yep democratic cesspools keeping welfare queen red states above water.


It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Then why didn't Obama have a higher GDP? Extremely weak recovery under him.
GDP growth was pretty consistent from Obama after he fixed Bush’s collapse up until Trump collapsed the economy again. Highs for both Obama and Trump were 2.9% The Trump giveaway to corporations didn’t do anything to increase GDP growth.


Well-Known Member
Out of the top 15 earners for states 11 of them are democratic states.

Of the bottom 15 earners 12 of them are republican.

Of the top 12 states that require federally funded money to function. 10 of them are republican.

If states were self reliant, within a decade (no changes to economy) only 4 democratic states would go bankrupt. Compared to 14 republican states.

You can do the math yourself. Yep democratic cesspools keeping welfare queen red states above water.

And yet Nancy Pelosi wants money in the latest stimulus pkg that would help bail out blue states that are in big fiscal trouble. Go figure.


Well-Known Member
Why has the yearly budget deficit increased under Trump and Republican control during a booming economy?
I already pointed it out. Early on Trump wanted a lot more money for the military. Not enough Republicans were onboard. So he compromised with Democrats, giving them spending they wanted to get their votes. And the virus slamming the economy didn't get a corresponding reduction in our budget. With that and stimulus spending the deficit soared.


Well-Known Member
More right wing punks! I wish one would try to intimidate me! They won’t! These clowns prey on the weak! Losers! 'We will come after you': Voters report personalized emails pressuring them to vote for Donald Trump
It must be tough being a *checks notes*...... airline pilot. I'm sure you've worked hard your whole life. Having to do chores in mom and dads $1.8mil estate while going to flight school. Hats off to you tough guy...

Other than that, obvious fake news