When Being A Thug About It Goes Wrong

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

This idiot thug was so triggered by an elderly couple’s Trump signs she pushed the man to the ground. Fortunately, she was caught and arrested, despite lying that HE was the aggressor. Sad that someone can’t hold up signs for their favorite candidate without being assaulted. SMH.


Well-Known Member

This idiot thug was so triggered by an elderly couple’s Trump signs she pushed the man to the ground. Fortunately, she was caught and arrested, despite lying that HE was the aggressor. Sad that someone can’t hold up signs for their favorite candidate without being assaulted. SMH.
Even more sad, one must wonder if their house and property, car included, will be vandalized for a yard sign or bumper sticker.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Even more sad, one must wonder if their house and property, car included, will be vandalized for a yard sign or bumper sticker.
My sister won’t let her husband hang a Trump flag at their house or put any kind of Trump stickers on his car for that reason. If he had his way he’d have a front yard full of Trump signs. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Even more sad, one must wonder if their house and property, car included, will be vandalized for a yard sign or bumper sticker.
My mom was hellbent on putting up a hugeeee Trump flag and I said, "Mom, why put a target on your back? Weve got MS13 rampant around here. They arent bangin on all 8 cylinders". Lots of ppl eager to show support but its not the days of old where ppl had opposing opinions on how to make America better. This era is whether America exists at all or not


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
My mom was hellbent on putting up a hugeeee Trump flag and I said, "Mom, why put a target on your back? Weve got MS13 rampant around here. They arent bangin on all 8 cylinders". Lots of ppl eager to show support but its not the days of old where ppl had opposing opinions on how to make America better. This era is whether America exists at all or not

I am fortunate to live in a rural village just 30 minutes outside of the 14th largest city in the USA. Trump signs all over the place, one house has at least 50 assorted Trump signs in his yard. We have a couple of Biden ones, mostly retired teachers...

If you were in the metro area you would never put a Trump banner or sign up... it would be a guarantee that you would be targeted.


Well-Known Member
I am fortunate to live in a rural village just 30 minutes outside of the 14th largest city in the USA. Trump signs all over the place, one house has at least 50 assorted Trump signs in his yard. We have a couple of Biden ones, mostly retired teachers...

If you were in the metro area you would never put a Trump banner or sign up... it would be a guarantee that you would be targeted.
Saw a video the other day where a man electrified his Trump sign then recorded the shocks. Wish everyone would do that!


Well-Known Member
Saw a video the other day where a man electrified his Trump sign then recorded the shocks. Wish everyone would do that!
I see hugeee Trump flags out in the rural areas, cause you know they got pig farms back there incase someone tries to get bold lol



Well-Known Member
Today’s when being a thug about it goes wrong is extended to right winger Alexander Treisman. This 19 yo plotted a plan to assassinate Joe Biden. This rightie made plans to have a mass shooting as well. At 19 he’s old enough to do his long sentence ahead of him. But his parents must be idiots too. He was raised a right wing dope. Man arrested in Kannapolis, N.C. with van full of guns and explosives, allegedly researched killing Joe Biden
Fake nooz


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
And yet magically when Trump cut taxes investment began to flow. Don't you get tired of being wrong? Even JFK pointed out that cutting taxes results in more government revenue from the resulting increase in business activity.
The last Democrat with sense and they killed him.