Where is my check?


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i quit smoking 6 days ago and the list of people im pissing off is getting longer is what happened! :whiteflag:

That's what I'm working on right now. Since I'm already a pretty big A-hole even when I smoke, I'm a little concerned I will be 10x worse after I quit. Did you use something like Chantix or go cold turkey?

just chillin'

Rest in peace wooba
freezing cold turkey! quit cigs for 5 solid years then started dabbling with cigars about 2 years ago. couldn't keep myself from inhaling and was addicted again right quick.
Good luck on quitting. I quit several years ago and I still get cravings. It ain't easy but be strong. You have a bunch of people pulling for you.
Quit close to 10 years ago and don't miss it a bit. I also have pay stubs from UPS going back to 1977. And I receive a live check every Friday.


Well-Known Member
Who the hell gets a check these days?

Is this a Union thing?

I don't think non-Union employees are allowed to get a check.
I am direct deposit but others in my center are not. Some of them don't even have a savings/checking account. I even have a driver at my center who honestly makes more than anyone in the center, yet he doesn't have a cellphone. Lol
I am direct deposit but others in my center are not. Some of them don't even have a savings/checking account. I even have a driver at my center who honestly makes more than anyone in the center, yet he doesn't have a cellphone. Lol
I know a few people that may own their own home and drive new cars that don't have a cell phone. Some people take pride in doing their own thing and not following the crowd.


Fugitive From Reality
Ignorance is a strong word but I also do not understand why anyone would not want to be paperless direct.
I'm paperless direct as well. My wife on the other hand prefers a paper check, & saves the pay stub, just in case she's asked for it when applying for a loan. (Which hasn't happened in almost 20 years)


Well-Known Member
When I applied for a mortgage refinance most if not all of the documents that I needed I was able to provide online.

When I file my taxes I am able to do so earlier thanks to online access of the supporting documentation.