Why collective bargaining?


Well-Known Member
You defend Rtw, complain your union, liberals. You are nothing but a free loader. You know it too

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I earn my paycheck & benefits one box at a time. I pay dues & taxes. The freeloaders are on the receiving end of our taxes, union dues & now our health insurance in the form of welfare, half million dollar salaries & ObamaCare subsidies. ALL of which we pay for with our labor.

Ron Carey lives on

Well-Known Member
I would like to thank our brothers and sisters that have fought for the rights that my family and I enjoy today. The 40 hour work week, right to organize, right to strike, FMLA,NLRB, seniority, the weekend, paid vacations, the list goes on and on. Enjoy smurf

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Well-Known Member
Then you would never ever support a Democrat.
I do lean right for multiple reasons, but they give money away for nothing too. Been moving towards libertarian, but that has some drawbacks too. This country has become so partisan, it is ridiculous. You can not put me in any one box.


Well-Known Member
RTW is the best thing to happen to UPS part timers in years. The union is starting to recognize that they are members too, at least the ones in RTW states. If local 89 wasn't in non-rtw KY the outcome may have been a little different. But no, they all have to keep paying for their non-representation with no worries of a backlash from its members.


Well-Known Member
I would like to thank our brothers and sisters that have fought for the rights that my family and I enjoy today. The 40 hour work week, right to organize, right to strike, FMLA,NLRB, seniority, the weekend, paid vacations, the list goes on and on. Enjoy smurf

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I thank God for the ability, veterans for the freedoms & unions of the past for creating the middle-class. Today's unions are giving back those gains in favor of the lefts social justice agenda. Union workers need to wake up & reject those politics if we want to remain strong & prosperous.

Ron Carey lives on

Well-Known Member
You need to wake up and realize that RTW is big business idea, that will weaken your rights as a union member ( if you are one) in the future. RTW is going down anyway, smart republicans are waking up.

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Brown Spider

Well-Known Member
Awww you guys strained your brains for a week & finally came up with an answer. Just not a very believable one. According to our chief negotiator who at the very beginning of contract negotiations (you guys saw the letters) sited a presentation that the company had given on the skyrocketing costs of health insurance post ACA. Hall conceded the company's presentation and said they were looking for "creative solutions to the problem". That was the beginning of the battle to salvage our benefits. You guys have been around long enough to know this and to claim otherwise only exposes you as a couple of lying stacks. Not filing paperwork is a pathetic excuse to cover for the failures of our leadership. They could have filed even after the no vote. You guys might find comfort in your BS but we aren't the only union loosing out to ObamaCare. Almost every major union has sited the new healthcare law as a major obstacle in maintaining the level of benefits that their members had grown accustomed to...and you know it. :)

Brown Spider

Well-Known Member
You have an incredible lack of knowledge regarding collective bargaining. The IBT failed to file the required 60 day notice of a contract reopener with FMCS. The IBT also failed to file FMCS form 7, the 30 day notification required prior to a dispute. The failure of the 60 day reopener filing could have resulted in the contract continuing for 1 year, under the terms of the previously negotiated contract. No one is making a "pathetic excuse for the failure of our leadership". Anything but! It may well have been a quid pro quo with UPS to agree to continue bargaining in return for a guarantee that the dissent in Local 89 would be squashed.

Every Local Union with a white paper contract knows that these deadlines cannot be ignored! It makes no sense that the IBT, with a team of lawyers in the Legal Department and lawyers in the Small Parcel Division would miss these critical deadlines.

Stick to what you know! Avoiding paying for services that are provided to you!

Brown Spider

Well-Known Member
RTW is the best thing to happen to UPS part timers in years. The union is starting to recognize that they are members too, at least the ones in RTW states. If local 89 wasn't in non-rtw KY the outcome may have been a little different. But no, they all have to keep paying for their non-representation with no worries of a backlash from its members.

They are NOT "members too, not even in RTW states. They do not have the right to run for office! They do not have the right to vote! In fact, they have zero effect on how local officers conduct themselves. An informed and involved membership can have that effect...a RTW freeloader can not!

In fact, a responsible local union may well take a look at their finances and assess exactly what the local union is spending in representation fees for the RTW freeloaders. They may then determine that it would be in the best interest of their general membership to disclaim interest in the bargaining unit that is placing a financial burden on the general membership. Then what? Hire your own lawyers? Argue your own cases with the NLRB? Good luck with all that!

BTW Troll, do you really work for UPS? You seem to be on BrownCafe 24-7.