hitting a dog


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Sounds like maybe you were the first vehicle he saw after noticing his dog?
This is what I believe. Apparently I should have stopped and delivered out the p side. First I would have had to try to make a man who doesnt speak our language to contain his dog. Just guessing but it would have been, no bite no bite, So hes still not going to be contained. Then I get out, and it bites me (which it could not have since it was already dead, but I didnt know that), then I get charged because I got out of the vehicle knowing there was a loose dog. If I drive away, I get a complaint.
so if It was not dead, why wasnt it moving when I passed by to turn around? Most will at least look up to see what going on?

Either way I am waiting on the investigation report, to see the irrefutable evidence that I in fact am responsible for this poor baby dogs death, and the grief of an 84 yr old man. Leash law or not had I done it I would be even more devastated than I am.

Skid mark, not mine, I was going 5. Nothing on my truck, tires filmed in full rotation, nothing there. He saw me go by, went to retrieve his dog, it was dead, he thinks I did it. That does not make it so. But it is sad. Screw my yrs of safety, I want to be made whole from the incident. I want my peers to know I am not responsible, thats it.


Well-Known Member
Truly all that matters is that you know you didn't hit the dog... Just like when you work your butt

off and mgmt. says you were an hour over. Hold your head high. You are the righteous one...


Resident Suit
I want to be made whole from the incident. I want my peers to know I am not responsible, thats it.
From your earlier posts it appears your peers know and understand that. I know it will feel better to clear it, but anybody who would blatantly come out and say stuff like that won't come out and apologize to you in a PCM.


My suggestion to you Tooner, is sort out and segregate in your head all the various people and factors that are contributing to your stress. As Frigid pointed out, your peers know and understand what happened/. And even if any of them think you might be responsible, they also know that they too could hit a dog. So none of your peers is holding anything against you.

Screw the eye witness, he is nobody to you. You can't control what he thinks he saw.

The 84 year old man: your heart can sympathize with him. But take no responsibility internally. If you go down his block in the future, shields up , but that's about it with regards to him.

Your UPS management: the same Jedi mind tricks you used before, Shields UP Shields Up , SHIELDS UP.

The investigation report: you gave your input and now you wait. Don't sweat it, you can't control what it will say at this point.

Be your own best friend, because right now , it looks like you may not have too many friends in this situation (with the exception of your peers).

If I didn't care, I wouldn't have written this.


Hey tooner, didn't you say you wanted to go to feeders? Would a charged accident affect that potential transition ?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Man you really are that guy. I've noticed with ALL your points, you favor the company's position to be as strict as hell. Except....

When YOU do something wrong.

Why is that?

So methods and consequences don't apply to you but let's throw the book at anyone else who gets in a situation ?

How are you still employed ? With as many cardinal sins and other shady practices you've been caught in, where do you have any footing to stand on some type of rigid principle of right or wrong?

You just said yourself you've had multiple accidents where you hit a dog. I'm assuming you've had a few other accidents as well. If you going to preach about doing the job right and being held strictly accountable then better make sure you can back it up with an excellent record of your own at ups. Walk the walk and TTKU if you are going to be "that guy".

I'm thinking you should have been shown the door many years ago. If you were in any other center, I'm betting you would have lost your job after many panel appearances probably a few years in.

You don't have any integrity to actually call others out on their situations Mr glass house.
One of two things have kept him employed. The first is he is an epic runner and gunner and his management team is more than willing to overlook his short comings. The second is that he's very good at keeping the under side of his CMs desk clean with his knees. I hope he wears pants if the latter is true.

Either way he is a thorn in people's sides on this forum on a regular basis. I try to ignore it but it's so bad that an entire thread can go to shiiat when he's involved.


Upon reading a bit more of the thread, I think I came to the conclusion that the dog owner and eye witness are one and the same. He might really think you ran his dog over or he needs a scapegoat, Tag. you're it , tooner. It's human nature. Deal with it and negate it.


Well-Known Member
One of two things have kept him employed. The first is he is an epic runner and gunner and his management team is more than willing to overlook his short comings. The second is that he's very good at keeping the under side of his CMs desk clean with his knees. I hope he wears pants if the latter is true.

Either way he is a thorn in people's sides on this forum on a regular basis. I try to ignore it but it's so bad that an entire thread can go to shiiat when he's involved.

You left out the part where that for the most part he knows what he is talking about and backs that up by knowing how to do the job.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
You left out the part where that for the most part he knows what he is talking about and backs that up by knowing how to do the job.
Knowing how and actually doing is two different animals. Over the years you've cited quite a few examples of blatant disregard for methods and the subsequent unveiling of a pattern of such behavior. You've also been wrong about many issues and usually it occurred because you had applied your own prefect world of living in the BOG to each of those circumstances. We all slip up from time to time but you are obviously extremely cavalier.

So, it's apparent that, with the exception of financial/investing advice, your advice and opinions should be taken with a grain of salt.

Then there's your continuing need to annoy the piss out of people.......

.........which speaks for itself.
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Staff member
You left out the part where that for the most part he knows what he is talking about and backs that up by knowing how to do the job.

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

unicorn poop.jpg


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
My suggestion to you Tooner, is sort out and segregate in your head all the various people and factors that are contributing to your stress. As Frigid pointed out, your peers know and understand what happened/. And even if any of them think you might be responsible, they also know that they too could hit a dog. So none of your peers is holding anything against you.

Screw the eye witness, he is nobody to you. You can't control what he thinks he saw.

The 84 year old man: your heart can sympathize with him. But take no responsibility internally. If you go down his block in the future, shields up , but that's about it with regards to him.

Your UPS management: the same Jedi mind tricks you used before, Shields UP Shields Up , SHIELDS UP.

The investigation report: you gave your input and now you wait. Don't sweat it, you can't control what it will say at this point.

Be your own best friend, because right now , it looks like you may not have too many friends in this situation (with the exception of your peers).

If I didn't care, I wouldn't have written this.
Thank you!!