Peak is here! How are you doing???


Learning the system
I got a package today. The driver walked up to my door looking like a beat dog. Told me he hated it this season.
Sheeeeeeet, at 8:00 I'm still jogging up and down peoples driveways... albeit my brain is starting to dissolve in my head and I don't know if I'm coming or going, but somehow the work is getting done haha.

I always get a kick out of people saying to me at 6:00 "Man, you're working late aren't you?" HAHAHAHAH Say that to me if I show up at your door at 10:00!


Retired 22 years
First day back. I had 159 stops 375 pkgs delivered and 29 p/u's at 74 pieces. Had a Helper from 11:30 to 1430. Only 2 misloads, for the guy next to my area. Punched out at 1730. Not a bad day. I signed up for Saturday work, which will be given out in seniority order.

Don't know which order that is, as MGMT has a way of going from the bottom to the top, at times.:dissapointed:

BTW, our start time has been moved from 8:45 to 9:00

Start at 9:00- done at 5:30 with 159 stops and 29 pickups. Either your Superman or you only had about 10 miles.:peaceful:


Well-Known Member
195 stops, 310 packages, 5 pickups, 25 packages, 197 miles; helper from 1600 to 1830-punched out at 2020. Started at 830 and we have ice covered roads. Sorry if I'm hard to understand-my mind feels like a bowl of oatmeal.
Well as a temp DH, tonight my body aches all over (mostly from the 3 icy falls I took earlier in the week), and my feet (new snow boots) and fingers (hoisting up/down my 240-lb fat :censored2: 300+ times a day) are swollen, and I am exhausted after doing 2 7+hour days in a row...

But hey it's all good. Very thankful to be working right now and can't complain.

We had 345 stops today and my driver is running out of OT hours he can put in, I think he has 3 left for Friday. Unfortunately we're expecting up to a foot of snow tonight, so it should be interesting to see how we can schlep another 340+ stops within his 11 hour allowable window (with the 3 hrs of OT left), with me being there for only 8 of them.

Peace out, Rod


That was funny Tie. You have been a very busy guy!

Had 2 late air today, I'm sure both will be charged to me. Just my luck. Had 2 yesterday but they were sent with me knowing they would be late. Had a pissed off customer because they haven't been getting their deliveries until 2:30. Splits on a junk rte. Not much I can do but pass on the info. We'll see what happens tomorrow. I suggested putting the business back on the original rte and giving me some more res instead.


Well-Known Member
I had 200 stops today with a helper for 4 hrs and worked 11 hours.
Got bad at the end of the day, we are having freezing rain now and it is very slick out on the roads and sidewalks.


Well-Known Member
Mgmt graced me with a new preloader last week. Showed up this am at 8:30 (on the clock) completely reorganized truck and basically loaded while my preloader just stood outside truck and pulled from belt. Worked 13 hr, until forced off clock...still had 6 stops left, sheeted EMC. We basically have been running like this since Thanksgiving. Im tired and just want a moment to enjoy Christmas. People are getting rude and grabby...I had to bite my tongue several times today.


Active Member
In the management grind now 19 days straight without a day off....information flowing faster then i can absorb it all... plans changing now talking about shutting down all but a few hubs the day after christmas with no ground pickups that day....I need about 8 hours of quiet time to sit down and read and reread all the changing plans....tempers getting short......stupid management logic being applied as I constantly saw people using volume trends from the past week or month to predict this weeks volume they understand its peak?....todays is national free shipping day will it create a last minute surge on monday?....more information flowing..plans changed again.....voice mails off the hook......woa recieved two vm's in one day where the plans changed in each....air volume now getting heavy....woa equipment war over air trailers never seen that one before......ravens playing dallas saturday hope I stay awake....uh oh weather man using the dirty word for the east coast.... please no snow I hate delivering on xmas day......plans changed again.....customers calling wanting to know why their packages are late. Do they know about relaxed service?.....plans changed again.....have to train IE sups to help them learn how to help me.....deer accidents.....plans changed again.......two solid days of rain generated thirty red tagged trailers sitting in the yard with leaking roofs......plans changed again.......yard accidents increasing this month, district manager can't understand why apparently never seen peak congestion..conference calls to discuss the changing plans changed to a day in the yard that looked like the soggy bottom boys.....plans changed again...corporate automotive actually thought they could simultaneously mandate a no red tags sitting/ no mechanics working overtime policy....plans changed again......dreamed about loading packages in a trailer have not done that in a while...dang plans changed again...sigh.........have a great peak everyone.:happy-very:
tie, classic post.. one thing for sure is that on the 26th they we are not doing pick ups. they gave us slips to hand out to customers. i still cant figure out what we are delivering that day. air only? air and ground? either way it seems most companies are closed the 26th anyway.
In the management grind now 19 days straight without a day off....information flowing faster then i can absorb it all... plans changing daily...snip to save on bandwidth...dang plans changed again...sigh.........have a great peak everyone.:happy-very:
Dang Tie, I feel for you, no...really.. I do. Hang in there and one day this will all just be another reoccurring nightmare. sorry, that probably didn't help, huh.

I think we should declare this " Murphy's Christmas" because it sure seems that what can go wrong will, at the worst possible moment.

p.s. I have decided not to bitch about my peek season, in retrospect I've had a fairly good one. At least I don't wanna kill anyone..........................yet.


Well-Known Member
I almost feel guilty but my total hours worked on today's check was 40.68 and next Friday's check should be roughly the same. Awesome helper. 213 stops, 350 pkgs, 25 pickups, 150 pkgs, 52 miles, punched out and gone by 1730 yesterday.
current pay rate 28.55

regular 28.55 40.00 1,142.00
overtime 42.82 0.68 29.12
total hours worked 40.68
current totals 1,171.12

y-t-d totals 2,220.43 67,823.98
You forgot to include your 401k balance of 15,000 for the year based on your claims(completely modest) of a 25 percent allocation. Must have maxed out a few weeks ago. Congratulations on how much you have grossed this year. I bet you are the type to run around and show part-timers your stub.