Public perception


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Free hotdogs
Yes, management sucks, but some they train can still face hins in the right direction, lip load and block and brace. Some loaders can handle 4 cars even when the :censored2: PT supe cranks the belt speed up.
A good loader is worth their weight in gold to me. Maybe we need to separate them in 2 classifications
1. Not worth a :censored2:
2. Priceless
Pay accordingly.
I was paid accordingly. After 90 days.


Well-Known Member
The public just wants their :censored2: delivered without damages.
Public opinion is that UPS is too expensive and too many damages.
I blame management for pushing too much work, with too much focus on production instead of safety, all for too little pay. Of course the hypocritical managers wouldn't do that hard work for that pay. Let alone for another 5 years with this inflation eating pay up. UPS is going to have a hard time keeping employees at this rate.


Well-Known Member
I'm not kidding. I went to UPS Store to send out a package for Xmas. I thought I was getting it in the behind. I hated it and I didn't really want to mail out anything (and that is only once a year)! It is too expensive, and I do more buying on Amazon than shipping anything for myself.
Dude Amazon is horrible they’ve replaced Walmart as the most despicable company in the world. I do everything I can not to use them


This company has survived 2 world wars, the depression, over 100 years of history, and most recently the COVID pandemic. All the while, at least the last 3 1/2 decades that I can attest to paying industry leading wages and benefits. However many ways there may be to conduct business ups has adapted very well. Will be here in 10-15 years. Who's fear mongering now?
The way they operate, the decisions they make, UPS won't exist in 20 years. They need to abandon the circus business model and focus on just doing the job.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
I'm in the camp of the Teamsters and UPS may in bed together about the organizing Amazon. In my head, I see a quid pro quo that allows the Teamsters to hold the line against UPS and in turn the Teamsters commit to a full court press against Amazon. By allowing O'Brien to take the bully pulpit and securing a strong contract, it buys him and the Teamsters influence with Amazon employees. In organizing Amazon, UPS and the Teamsters win. Pipe dream, but in my mind it works.
Dream outcome or no??


Legio patria nostra
Dream outcome or no??
You know that is either illegal, unethical or both, right?
Even if it's not illegal, wouldn't you expect AMZN to smear UPS because of it?
Not too mention "reaffirming" that the IBT is crooked. Not saying they still are, but bad press is not good press all the time.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
You know that is either illegal, unethical or both, right?
Even if it's not illegal, wouldn't you expect AMZN to smear UPS because of it?
Not too mention "reaffirming" that the IBT is crooked. Not saying they still are, but bad press is not good press all the time.
Business is a dirty place for dirty players.