Quest from part time to full time driver


Well-Known Member
The money is all how you use it. We have drivers that have to work as much as possible because they choose to have nicer things. We also have drivers that have treasure chests full of money somewhere at their house because they live cheap and it suits them. 90k is great until you go buy 2 $30,000 cars, a boat, a 5 bedroom 2 story home, and you eat out everyday of your life. Then you are just as broke as someone making 30k and buying $200 shoes every week.

Gotcha gotcha. Realistically though , how much roughly do you think I'd make the first year ?

Just created new account . Was "theupsguy83" using TheKingOfQueens from now on.


Well-Known Member
Probably 45k If you drive everyday
45k? I think your shooting low. I would think at least 55k-60k. And that's if you want to work as little as possible. My 1st year as a TCD I made 50k and had 2 full months off. Depends if he gets hired at Tcd pay or if he has to go through full progression. I couldn't imagine doing this job and going through progression. I like making TCD pay for the full 4 years.
45k? I think your shooting low. I would think at least 55k-60k. And that's if you want to work as little as possible. My 1st year as a TCD I made 50k and had 2 full months off. Depends if he gets hired at Tcd pay or if he has to go through full progression. I couldn't imagine doing this job and going through progression. I like making TCD pay for the full 4 years.
My estimate was going through progression.


Well-Known Member
Are you taking into account peak? Now that it goes well into january or even February.

Also summer vacations?

60k easy, even at the new starting wage.


Well-Known Member
Heres some advice once you do make seniority full time driving...

Dont hit any curbs or youll see your 9 hour day go to an 11 hour day!!! Hahah

Fedex Guy

Well-Known Member
Good luck never seeing your family or kids grow up. Sad reality of fulltime driving. Temp driving is where its at. 6 months of prison n 6 months of freedom.

I almost wish I heard you say this before I went full time. I might have put a little thought into it. Too late now. It's a good thing I don't have a wife or kids.

Just to be clear, I don't work for FedEx. Crazy I know.


We got guys opting in here and still getting denied. Grievances just getting paid, like the supe said the company would rather pay the grievances. Good advice to the new guys though. After a while you just don't even let the job get to ya, just put er on cruise control and roll wit it lol.
Much easier to do if you're doing a route w/ 0 to maybe a few pickups.

Sent while driving from my flip phone via T9 word.


Well-Known Member
I think I will like it

I loved being a mailman and courier at fedex so ill be ok :)

Plus ill be adjusted to the hours. I worked from 7 AM to 8 PM mon-fri and 9 AM to 6 PM on sat at the post office


Well-Known Member
Good luck never seeing your family or kids grow up. Sad reality of fulltime driving. Temp driving is where its at. 6 months of prison n 6 months of freedom.

Driving sucks period. Even when I was part time TCD I was driving every single day.

Here they're basically eliminating TCDs as they've hired so many full time drivers that there's only 1 TCD left in my center and they're supposedly hiring 6-8 more full time drivers to reduce the work load.

If they actually do hire the extra people it might make this job tolerable. As it is they're still cutting routes regularly and not honoring 8 hours/9.5 a lot of the time. I don't understand the logic of cutting routes on Mondays, laying full time drivers off to do so, and then saying they're going to hire more people to reduce the workload. Them hiring more drivers will just mean more will be laid off.
But they have them all sitting on the bench waiting to get in the game. When laid off they work PT for starting PT wages. With all the baby boomers set to retire in the next 5 years, sounds like a good plan.


Well-Known Member
Really excited and can't wait to make some real money and start a family. Would really enjoy hearing old school full timers quests from part time to full time and the steps Ups took to inform you that you're turn was coming up. Been loading for 10 months in July and might be full time driver in 4-6 weeks. Thanks in advanced for the responses my fellow UPS brothas !!!!!!

Just created new account . Was "theupsguy83" using TheKingOfQueens from now on.
Sucks in some ways, great in others. Find me a full time job anywhere that is all great, isn't happening. Just remember, safety really must be your highest priority, even though it seems like only lip service to the company. Good luck and here's hoping you enjoy a wonderful future!

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
You'll find a lot of negative talk about this job but it's not all bad. Remember that any job worth a damn is hard in one way or another. If a job pays, it pays for a reason. Companies don't cut big paychecks to people to do easy things. Generally, the less people that can or is willing to do a job, the more it pays. The people that make millions are those that are 1 in a million type individual at their skill set, whether that's pro athlete, elite actor, star singer, or CEO. I'm rambling, but the point is that our job is worth the money and those that complain never seem to leave for greener pastures. The reality is other equivalent incomes are just as hard to attain and most of them require a lot more smarts.


All Trash No Trailer
It's a tough job,but one that is secure and has a future. IMO some people are making the job sound worse than what it is, Yes the hours are long,the work is hard but Sweet Baby Jesus the Money is KILLER. I know of no other people with just a High School education that made over $90,000 as I did last year

When you start driving NEVER have late NDA or Miss a Pick Up. NEVER EVER record a stop as closed unless you are at the stop. Sheet EVERY package EVERY day! Don't piss the customers off,drive safely,do the speed limits and hydrate.
If you arent an organized person learn VERY quickly how to be. If you can find out in advance where your route will be get the morning OMS to print out the DOL(delivery order listing) for that route every day and in your spare time ride the route and learn the area. Ask the older drivers that have run the route which customers are problems,as well if there are any particular details you might need to know about the route to make things easier

If you knob something up DONT HIDE IT. The company will forgive mistakes but they have no sympathy or tolerance for integrity issues.No matter how big of an arse chewing you may get for reporting a mistake it will be much preferrable to being terminated for deceit.

By The Book

Well-Known Member
Eat all 12 months if you plan it right and you make good cheese working preload or local sort. 65k for 6 months of freedom or 90k for no life year round and driving in snow, cold, ice etc. Easy decision to some feel me.
Doable and comfortable if your better half makes decent money.


friend you knob something up DONT HIDE IT. The company will forgive mistakes but they have no sympathy or tolerance for integrity issues.No matter how big of an arse chewing you may get for reporting a mistake it will be much preferrable to being terminated for deceit.

What he said.


Geek in Brown
they're supposedly hiring 6-8 more full time drivers to reduce the work load.
Are they also buying a new fleet of trucks for your center? How can they hire that many drivers without buying a ton of new trucks? We only have a handful of spares and they're all 700s, which most routes can't fit into in my center.

'Lord Brown's bidding'

Well-Known Member
Am I so warped that i think working to 6:30 - a nine hour day in my building - is not a bad thing? Most make 9.5-7:00 to 7:10 depending on the center, the exception being peak or really high volume days.