Strike Job security?


Well-Known Member
Make sure you are aware of the seniority list in your work area, sort and building/hub. I had made seniority a few days before the '97 strike in my hub twilight metro unloads(unloading package cars). I got called in on the wed or Thursday after strike ended. I worked the primary trailer unload for about a week before more people were brought back in. Naively I thought it had all been in seniority order. Come to find out I was brought back because my ft'er liked that i was a put my head down and work till I was done employee. I definitely made sure higher seniority employees were aware of the issue and that ft'er was abruptly transferred to a different facility with seniority violation checks going to about 15 employees in the end.


So does anyone know if we do go on strike how that will affect our employment when we come back from strike? Considering the volume could drop substantially won’t that put some of us out of a job ? Just curious if anyone knows the language on how our employment is protected under the circumstances that are fast approaching ! I like so many in our local believe we need a strike to get what we deserve but not many being educated on the repercussions that could cause for current drivers and part timers . Thanks for any insight .

You’re not protected if you are low on the seniority list good chance you won’t be working after the strike
AFter the 97 strike, how were the deliveries/pick-ups after the first week? Did they combine a bunch of routes?
If I remember correctly, drivers came in the morning to load package cars with whatever came in and made deliveries and others came in later to make pick ups and unloaded to get their 8. The first week was very slow until the package pipeline filled up again. Even I as a very high seniority PT was laid off for another week after the strike ended.


Well-Known Member
In the great state of New Jersey, we have to wait 14 days, unless the company hires replacement workers then we are eligible immediately. Labor friendly voting goes a long way.
14 days sounds like a long time, waiting for what, unemployment?