The party of "family values" strikes again!


That's one of the worst aspects of LBJ's "Great Society" programs.
Encouraging the man and woman couple to not get married so the female and kids can draw from welfare and other social programs and it still has affects even though President Clinton ended/cutback on that in the 90's.
That's a popular view to take. Some point to Nixon's "War On Drugs", some point earlier, to Jim Crow laws. Some even blame the ingrained slave culture that permeated generations in the South.

It's complicated, but I don't believe LBJ led to the downfall of Black family structure. Maybe he didn't help any, but he sure didn't nail the coffin lid.


Well-Known Member
Mainly because we (as a country) destroyed their family structure, and then turned and blamed the formerly enslaved for lack of aforementioned structure.

We can be jerks like that. Google it. ;)

When we did, we in effect killed their own safety net and thus their autonomy. Now the same system is doing the same to whites and thus we know where this is going.


Well-Known Member
I find it interesting that the 60's saw the civil rights act and voting rights act which would help build strong, independent, self governing, vibrate and even autonomous black communities only to see the 70's drug laws and thus the drug war destroy all that potential in one legislative swoop.


Well-Known Member
I find it interesting that the so-called "party of family values" hyperbolic as that is will defend our military actions and presence in the Middle East as if on some mission ordained by god. And not that some who appear to oppose the political clique of family values don't themselves advance this same cause, especially when their own demigods are the ones in charge.

This seems to me to beg the question, if freeing the people of one tyranny just to then impose another form is what occurs, then freedom was never the real cause and purpose so what then is the real cause and purpose of our going over there in the first place? And what does this do to the psychology of the people themselves as to what they think of our presence in their lives and what we actually bring with us? How would you react to an invading force and their puppet gov't if you were them and it was your children this was being done too?

U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Sexual Abuse of Boys by Afghan Allies


Bad Moon Risen'
LANSING — The state’s Bureau of Elections has concluded former state Rep. Cindy Gamrat, a Plainwell Republican, is eligible to try to regain her seat in Michigan’s 80th House District, despite her recent expulsion from the Legislature, a spokesman said Monday.

House Speaker Kevin Cotter, R-Mt. Pleasant, was among those who questioned Gamrat's eligibility to run in a special primary and general election, given that she was expelled from the House of Representatives on Sept. 11 for using House resources to try to cover up an extramarital affair with another former state representative, Todd Courser of Lapeer.

Courser, who admitted to instructing a House staffer to send out a bogus e-mail accusing himself of being a pornography addict who pays for gay sex in an effort to minimize the impact of his extramarital affair with Gamrat being revealed, resigned his seat in the 82nd House District on Sept. 11, just ahead of an expected expulsion vote.

But both have since filed to run in special primary elections on Nov. 3 to get their seats back, saying the voters should decide whether they stay in the Legislature. The special general election is set for March 8.


LANSING — The state’s Bureau of Elections has concluded former state Rep. Cindy Gamrat, a Plainwell Republican, is eligible to try to regain her seat in Michigan’s 80th House District, despite her recent expulsion from the Legislature, a spokesman said Monday.

House Speaker Kevin Cotter, R-Mt. Pleasant, was among those who questioned Gamrat's eligibility to run in a special primary and general election, given that she was expelled from the House of Representatives on Sept. 11 for using House resources to try to cover up an extramarital affair with another former state representative, Todd Courser of Lapeer.

Courser, who admitted to instructing a House staffer to send out a bogus e-mail accusing himself of being a pornography addict who pays for gay sex in an effort to minimize the impact of his extramarital affair with Gamrat being revealed, resigned his seat in the 82nd House District on Sept. 11, just ahead of an expected expulsion vote.

But both have since filed to run in special primary elections on Nov. 3 to get their seats back, saying the voters should decide whether they stay in the Legislature. The special general election is set for March 8.

They were co-sponsors of a 'Sanctity of Marriage' bill.

I kid you not.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
They were co-sponsors of a 'Sanctity of Marriage' bill.

I kid you not.
Why am I not surprised? Seems to me that at this point, the only ones who are attracted to the "conservative" ideologies are people who've already abandoned or never acquired many of the qualities of humanity.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Well well well, seems like its time to bring this thread back to life...

Another wonderful GOP republican gets caught with his pants down, "SotoSpeak"... Just another, in a line of FAMILY VALUES promoters who oppose same sex marriage, abortion and gay rights....

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Engorged Member
Well well well, seems like its time to bring this thread back to life...

Another wonderful GOP republican gets caught with his pants down, "SotoSpeak"... Just another, in a line of FAMILY VALUES promoters who oppose same sex marriage, abortion and gay rights....


LOL. On a similar note, did you notice that Denny Hastert is pleading guilty to the money laundering charges so there won't be an inquiry to his days of molesting as a high school coach? More family values at work.


Well-Known Member
Its amazing, time after time, the right wing has people associated with it that preach the moral high ground, and yet, they seem to secretly live in the lowest ground.

From Larry Craig to Karl Rove, maintaining secrets, like homosexuality while trying to put out a christian face is mind boggling.

Lets look at the latest "family values" candidates!

Look like former disgrace Republican governor BOB McDonnell has some "splaining" to do...(hmmm?)

McDonnell, who has tried to blame everything on his wife, has demonstrated what a calculated liar looks like. He admits not living with his wife, but forgot to mention he lives with a gay priest despite his ANTI GAY republican positioning. What a crock!

How about this ohio mayor? Another right wing mouthpiece for "family values"...

Oh oh, wait a minute... where did those "family values" go??

And then there's this right wing gun toting, gun promoting tool.... every gun nuts "favorite American" for his tv show..

The show has been IMMEDIATELY cancelled, and the company that makes the guns officially separates from this "family values" right wing nut.

The party of "family values" will grace us with plenty more degenerates in the coming months!




Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
many cowards here (I wont use the word pusillanimous , so I don't offend anyone) using the derail rating as some type of protest as if the person that receives it will somehow be penalized. Are posters here really that petty? Is it ok to call out anyone who uses the derail when no thread has been derailed as a coward. can we have a coward rebuttal command added . LMAOATDAH.

Seriously are people here that petty that they have to use something against you if you have the audacity to disagree with them?