Its amazing, time after time, the right wing has people associated with it that preach the moral high ground, and yet, they seem to secretly live in the lowest ground.
From Larry Craig to Karl Rove, maintaining secrets, like homosexuality while trying to put out a christian face is mind boggling.
Lets look at the latest "family values" candidates!
Look like former disgrace Republican governor BOB McDonnell has some "splaining" to do...(hmmm?)
McDonnell, who has tried to blame everything on his wife, has demonstrated what a calculated liar looks like. He admits not living with his wife, but forgot to mention he lives with a gay priest despite his ANTI GAY republican positioning. What a crock!
How about this ohio mayor? Another right wing mouthpiece for "family values"...
Oh oh, wait a minute... where did those "family values" go??
And then there's this right wing gun toting, gun promoting tool.... every gun nuts "favorite American" for his tv show..
The show has been IMMEDIATELY cancelled, and the company that makes the guns officially separates from this "family values" right wing nut.
The party of "family values" will grace us with plenty more degenerates in the coming months!