What have you seen people lose their jobs for? How to avoid being fired.


Well-Known Member
UPS created 10,000 new FT jobs as a result of the 1997 strike. They basically combined two PT jobs in to a FT job, which are called Article 22.3 jobs because that is the Article within the NMA which governs these jobs.
They basically combined two PT jobs in to a FT job, which are called Article 22.3 jobs because that is the Article within the NMA which governs these jobs.

That was the theory. However at our bldg for some of the 22.3s they took a 4 hour inside job and combined it with a 4 hour stint in the yard shifting. That was not pt work before and between that itself and the fact that they start at prime start times around the clock it does not sit well with the feeder drivers who used to be at those times. Top it off with their driving ability (they rank highest with in yard crashes), lack of DOT drug testing, and their lack of a CDL license and you do not find much support for the 22.3, outside positions at least, at our hub.
The latest firings in the last 6-months i know of are.....one full-time guy got fired for job abandonment. This guy had nine-lives and they finally caught up to him. I told this guy how good he had it and to think of his family. He kept missing days....

One p/t'er didnt show up to work for nearly 2wks, came back as if nothing happened, and was walked out. Another p/t'er was warned about absences; he was tardy one day and forgot his ID. He got the hook!

One p/t lied to a full-time mangement type about finishing some paperwork. One supervisor got fired for sending a truck out of the load that was done wrong.
They will probably try to fire him a couple of months before he turns 55. If they retire at 55 the company pays their medical until they are eligible for Medicare at age 65. Whack 'em at 54, and they have to pay for their own insurance out of pocket for 10+ years. Assuming a $1,000 per month COBRA and that adds up to at least a $120,000 bounty on the head of every 50+ yr old management person... and thats without including the huge wage differential between them and the gung-ho 24 yr old who will be taking their place. No wonder they are all so uptight.

How do you start a thread on this site?
We have a situation in our center where they are targeting drivers over 50 years of age. I want to start a thread on this, but I can't figure out how to start a thread. I searched the site for about 30 minutes. Can somebody tell me how to start a thread, please?


Staff member
We have a situation in our center where they are targeting drivers over 50 years of age. I want to start a thread on this, but I can't figure out how to start a thread. I searched the site for about 30 minutes. Can somebody tell me how to start a thread, please?

Open up a forum like this one (UPS Discussions). Near the top left corner is a grey button that says "Post new thread".
Looking forward to reading it!
Fired for too many grievances.....

He returned to work yesterday with a couple weeks paid,all grievances settled/paid and exonerated of any wrong doing. The center mgr is being investigated for this blatant retaliation against him. I'm just glad he is back to work......
He returned to work yesterday with a couple weeks paid,all grievances settled/paid and exonerated of any wrong doing. The center mgr is being investigated for this blatant retaliation against him. I'm just glad he is back to work.....

dilligafah:856322 said:
My cousin, who is a ft package driver, got fired for filing too many grievances...... The background of the story, He has filed over 18 grievances since Jan 2011 and they have been following him and harassing him over his performance but he does the job very safely so they could not get him for anything. In the middle of May 2011 he showed up for work and was pulled into the office with a steward and fired on the spot for not reporting an accident. The center manager found a scratch and nick on the bumper and told him he must have had an accident and didnt report it. UPS investigated and found a tree that they said he hit yet the homeowner said that he personally damaged himself with a bat. My cousin hit nothing and someone else drove the car after him anyway. They are completely bleeding him out of pure spite and grievances. He is still out and the panel isnt til Sept 2011. Any recourse or thoughts?


Are we talking working discharge or being escorted from the property? I have only seen one guy escorted from the building and havee his I.D. badge taken and that was for failure to follow instructions. He was told to do something three times and refused to do it. from what I understand the guy had a reputation of being a bit of a rebel. Discharge letters or "working discharges" go out daily. Most of wich never make it to panel.


Sorry to continue the old thread bumping, but I just read through all if it before I realized.

A couple of years ago when I was first starting in my hub, a fulltime supe was caught masturbating in the conference room. He had a porno DVD and everything. Within 5 minutes of it happening EVERYONE in the building knew about it. I don't know anything about the guy but he had been with the company 20 years our so and got his job back. I just wish I could've heard the conversation he had to have with his wife about why he lost his job.


Sorry to continue the old thread bumping, but I just read through all if it before I realized.

A couple of years ago when I was first starting in my hub, a fulltime supe was caught masturbating in the conference room. He had a porno DVD and everything. Within 5 minutes of it happening EVERYONE in the building knew about it. I don't know anything about the guy but he had been with the company 20 years our so and got his job back. I just wish I could've heard the conversation he had to have with his wife about why he lost his job.

Can't share any recent ones, but here goes:

FT hourly (I think he's a 22.3, not sure) that was caught cranking it in the back of an unloaded package car a while back. He got his job back.

22 year PT'er in a preferred job fired for stealing golf balls.
4+ year PT'er loader I knew outside of work that was stealing pens and candy from open boxes. He had been doing it for months and was randomly caught by the head of the training department.
Random PT unloader that found a bouncy ball and was bouncing it to security.. intercepted by LP and fired.

A PT supervisor that was fired for showing up to work so drunk he puked on the LVD belt while covering for his pick-off. My favorite is the supervisor that worked the preload that was putting fake labels on brand new Playstation 3's (same year they came out) and having them sent to her boyfriend's house.


Air Ops Pro
I've seen guys escorted out by FBI agents. One of these instances, a guy was stealing boxes of Wawa gift cards and had a buddy on the outside who was able to activate them. LP and Security had been building a case against these guys and got the federal agents involved.

Dem cameras at every bay door have snagged quite a few people stealing stuff when I was at the hub. PT'ers arrested for eating candy bars from boxes in the trucks. A pick-off was fired (got lucky and wasn't arrested) for stashing a bunch of porn DVDs under a metal flap in the pick-off area and then taking them home.

We had a power outage at our hub years ago....a female driver and a PT'er decided to take advantage of the opportunity and started to get down and dirty in the back of the pacakge car in the pitch black. The FT sup was just so happening to be walking by that exact package car when the lights cut back on.....not sure if either one got their jobs back.

A feeder driver was fired from a center when he got caught taking pictures of a PT sup's booty when she was bending over. It was a disposeable camera and when it was confiscated, there were 20-something photos of her rear....he said he was taking pictures of load quality or some BS like that. He got his job back fairly quickly, but they moved him to a different center. As an aside, this female PT sup who he was taking pictures of......dayum. Only time I'd kick her out of bed is if she wanted to friend* on the floor. Was a bad decision on his part, but at least it was a quality target....lol...