2018 YES vote : Why does the IBT BACK THIS ?


Well-Known Member
As crazy as it sounds...they are saying vote yes. I cannot vote yes knowing how ups will abuse the language. I'm a short timer, but I want everyone after me to get the benefits and pay I've been given. Not a worse contract. I hope to get you job security and keep your rights.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
Ugh. They are both two tier they both earn progression credits and go to top rate when time. Look if your Local is telling you to vote no then cool but don’t act like it’s not a two tier system other wise you would just higher them as full time feeder drivers. Period. Your just putting lipstick on a pig.
Progression credits? Ummmm no. You think they get coupons or something? Our covers and PT do not stop at $27 an hour. What don’t you get?


Well-Known Member
Did you not read what I said about routes being in? If they put 25% more 22.4’s that’s 25% more cars on road and they would be forced to hire more full time drivers. Any route in 3 out of 5 days for 30 days it considered a Route and can only be bid to RPCD’s. Get it?

I believe I saw supplemental language in the south that allowed 22.4s to bid T-S routes. I may be wrong.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
You guys don’t even understand the dynamics of how they work. It is getting pointless to even explain it if you are not willing to try. If they hired 25% you would see more RPCD’s hired. They will only hire as many as needed for Saturday delivery. Stop the paranoia.

They understand, they don't trust UPS and that dog bites. If the company respects the language all will be well. This is a big chance for a culture shift.


Well-Known Member
If you need a supplement to fix the bad language in the master, that is a great reason to vote no.

Thanks for your support of the vote no movement Tony!
Still dodging. How long have you had a two tier driver at 85% of top rate? Geez! I bet it’s a long long time and your embarrassed that your making a big deal about this when you never cared last couple contracts.
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Inordinately Right
Still dodging. How long have you had a two tier driver at 85% of top rate? Geez! I bet it’s a long long time and your embarrassed that that you never cared before.
So you think lower paid drivers are bad, but you want more of them.

Great logic smart guy.
This is a fun merry go round.
You're a pretty little pony.


Well-Known Member
Reguardless of how you vote, vote. Read the contract for yourself, don't listen to posts, local halls, or propaganda sent to you. Make your own decision. When I read the contract I try to see how many ways I can twist the language in different situations and still be within the contract. Then I ask myself can I accept that interpretation. Yes or no.


Well-Known Member
They understand, they don't trust UPS and that dog bites. If the company respects the language all will be well. This is a big chance for a culture shift.
Bottom line is cars on road. Your right about trust.
How? Same pay and progression as an RPCD.
Our guys go cover driving just before they are gonna get called to go RPCD so they jump progression. So instead of starting at $18 they start at $27. Some go about earlier but never is someone a cover driver longers than the 4 year progression. So they get higher pay and earned FT progression


Man of Great Wisdom
Because the IBT is trying to survive in a non-union, no pension, no company health care, no M-friend, middle class voting republican, much more competitive world. The days of Joe lunchbox are over.


Well-Known Member
You don’t get it how we do it. Bottom line is your part time feeder driver is two tier.
We only have full time feeder drivers here. We have feeder cover drivers. Who cover feeder runs when necessary. Bidding starts with full timers then goes to part timers. Feeder cover drivers bump to the job they had prior to bidding. Instead of being laid off.


Well-Known Member
You act like they won’t ever go full time and thats ridiculous! The Union would not turn down that dues kind of dues money!

union dues
is this what this is all about.
so your yes vote push for your local is all about this.
do your unknown potential 22.4 clones know this is what you are wanting from this.

once again brownlaguna,
DEFINE the 22.4 job.


Well-Known Member
My point has always been that you talk crap on two tier drivers but that is just what your part time feeder guys are. We put our cover drivers in so they could not hire so many casuals just like you. Also we are red circled at $27 instead of $18 until their progression goes to the full time rate so that is the starting rate of progression

so its easier for YOU to back this 22.4 classification than it is to actually fight for more established FT driver positions.
it's one thing that this cover position exists;
and quite frankly should have NEVER happened!
you were never pushed thru this category and it's abuse.
you were a FT utility driver who progressed via seniority to having a route; then go feeder.
sorry, but you aren't entering feeder via a 22.4 classification.
maybe you should
so we can all hear about your frustration


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should find out before you post.

You know what. I respect your position and I thought you held a little respect for me. But you know what, you're right. I'll do a little research instead of just blurting out what I think I know. I can understand being annoyed with people that think they know all the supplemental language across the country.

You're a good Soldier for the west( with your knowledge and commitment) but don't turn into a jaded :censored2: because of this site you won't help your cause.

Can it all be over with already

No shut up
