$75 million?????


Frankie's Friend

I believe they actually did, but were hoping other profits may offset this cost.

As it turned out, the other profits did not make up for this loss.

OT will be coming back, at least up to 9.5.
It will because there is/was/has been a hiring freeze which gives managers only 4 wks to train vacation replacement drivers, hire and train the then vacant part time jobs that the hourly went into driving from, and get their production rides done.

Frankie's Friend

How dare you udder those words!


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
What are the chances @542thruNthru kid is allergic to peanuts?
We were at the ballpark. Some Mom started going off on us for eating peanuts. Hello, lady, the vendor right there is selling them! Said her kid was going to go into shock. Every time they left to get something I would put peanuts all around his seat. The kid had zero reaction.