That math does not check out, and I hope you're just joking???
I don't know about you, but I don't eat the crap here?
Why should a Union representative be relegated to it on the road?
Additionally, in my Local at least, it's all done on a Union credit card, where the statement better match the receipts that are turned in.
Pretty sure charges and receipts turned in from The DollHouse Gentleman's Club would be rejected and subject to being reimbursed by the idiot who submitted them, as well as political suicide if the details were to leave the hall.
Fastest way to get in trouble with the Union and the law is to screw around with the money.
I have been to State Panels, Regional JAC's, and even the National Panel; in cities like Columbus, Chicago, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Traverse City, Clearwater, and Washington DC.
Trust me, if you are subsisting on $75 a day in these venues, you aren't living "high on the hog".
Look...I'm all for beating on
@BigUnionGuy when he's got it coming, but you two are way off base on this one.