A preloaders revenge.


Poopin' on the clock
Our loaders are given a load chart each morning showing the total number of packages, packages by section and total number of air packages. This is done before the belt is even turned on. Anyone with a lick of common sense would be able to look at one of those charts and adjust the load accordingly.

This is how it is at our hub. Its very easy to sort bulk and just let the drivers know where its at. Ive been doing the same 4 trucks since ive started so the drivers know exactly where there bulk will be


That’s Craptacular
I know its not for everyone. I also know messing someone's loads up because they didn't like you isn't very professional nor appropriate.
Neither is purposely messing up an annoying customer's order at Taco Bell because they acted like a butt hole. And of course....that never happens in fast food...lol


good people drink good beer
Let's see, an annoyed loader purposely messes up their drivers load which causes each driver to get an extra hundred bucks in overtime. Yeah, that'll teach them.

What The Hawk?

Neither is purposely messing up an annoying customer's order at Taco Bell because they acted like a butt hole. And of course....that never happens in fast food...lol
I've never done that. I've wanted to but that would make an :censored2:.


Retired 23 years
Not even the PT sups fault. Most likely he only started last month before he was "promoted". Blame the FT sups and preload manager and his boss the Center manager. They are the only ones that can change things.

Nope -- you have to go higher up than a center manager. From what I hear center manager's on down now days can't change anything and have to have permission from at least a DM to even fart.


Retired 23 years
about I've never snapped at a preloader but I have used them as an excuse why I had a super bad day---just like all scratches on the trucks must have come from the car washers spotting them. Just like when the center manager blames his hourlies for why his center isn't looking good on paper when he knows the real reason is because of unrealistic numbers that IE has dreamed up while sitting at their desks. Its all the "trickle down effect". If you are on the bottom-- you are going to get the most "trickle". The preloader who purposely loaded his trucks wrong was just trying to "trickle up" a little bit. I still think its funny as hell.
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Happy Verified UPSer
never had a problem with a preloader. if a new one was making some mistakes I would take the time to help them out. also when they did a good job I would always let them know or give them a snack and gatorade.

also spent some time with them if they were running late and ask about their school or families. Most would go out of their way to do a good job.

golden rule.

What The Hawk?

never had a problem with a preloader. if a new one was making some mistakes I would take the time to help them out. also when they did a good job I would always let them know or give them a snack and gatorade.

also spent some time with them if they were running late and ask about their school or families. Most would go out of their way to do a good job.

golden rule.
I hope I meet drivers like you when I start this Thursday.


Happy Verified UPSer
I hope I meet drivers like you when I start this Thursday.
Thanks. just do the best you can and ask for help when you need it. If someone complains, just ask them to demonstrate the correct methods. Most people really want to help and if you work hard and especially try to do a good job, you'll be alright.

good luck.


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Aww thank you. Been stressing but if i work my butt off and learn to use the corrective criticism i get I'll go far.
I already told you, do a good job and they will promote you within a month to PT supervisor. Do a really really good job and you will be center manager by this time next year. Time to get rid of that Taco Bell job and step up to the big leagues. $90k baby whoop whoop!