

Well-Known Member
But thankfully people like @bottomups believe in abortions ... and too bad his parents did not.
The way I look at it is 98 out of every 100 abortions eliminates 98% of potential future DemWit LibTurds.
That's why I fully support abortions for the lower class.
Like these low class, redneck, white trash people.


Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Like these low class, redneck, white trash people.

Works for me except I am not a bigot like you appear to be.
Provide free abortions for everyone and let their actions determine their 'class'.
I define 'lower class' as 'poor people'.
Children makes it hard to gain wealth and 'lower class' (poor people) tend to begat more 'lower class' people.

People who do not believe and conform to the values and culture outlined below tend to be 'lower class'.
American Values Conversion.jpg
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Inordinately Right
View attachment 311706
Planned Parenthood not only acknowledged the humanity of Teigen’s son, but his biological sex, as well. How dare the abortion giant “assume his gender"!
Sad that they have to face criticism for their obvious hypocrisy while going through that loss. They should lay low for a while and grieve. They probably crave this kind of publicity though. Really sad.


Inordinately Right

Police were stunned to find more than 2,400 remains in boxes and other containers on Klopfer's property.

Klopfer, a German national, said that the fire-bombing of the German city Dresden during World War II was critical in forming his opinion of human nature.

Dr. Geoffrey Cly, who worked as a backup doctor for Klopfer, told WBBM-TV that he thought the abortion doctor kept the fetuses as trophies.



Well-Known Member
Works for me except I am not a bigot like you appear to be.
Provide free abortions for everyone and let their actions determine their 'class'.
I define 'lower class' as 'poor people'.
Children makes it hard to gain wealth and 'lower class' (poor people) tend to begat more 'lower class' people.

People who do not believe and conform to the values and culture outlined below tend to be 'lower class'.
View attachment 308881
Besides the morality of it look at countries that have embraced abortion as a means of population control. Both China and India have a shortage of young women, especially China. The Chinese have realized their one child policy has seriously backfired with millions of men not being able to find wives as the Chinese, and Indians, put an emphasis on having a male child and abort baby girls in hopes of eventually having a boy. China's population like many countries is aging and they have concerns about lack of labor in the future.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
Besides the morality of it look at countries that have embraced abortion as a means of population control. Both China and India have a shortage of young women, especially China. The Chinese have realized their one child policy has seriously backfired with millions of men not being able to find wives as the Chinese, and Indians, put an emphasis on having a male child and abort baby girls in hopes of eventually having a boy. China's population like many countries is aging and they have concerns about lack of labor in the future.
I see the emphasis on “one male child” as the problem, not abortion. Backwards culture.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

Police were stunned to find more than 2,400 remains in boxes and other containers on Klopfer's property.

Klopfer, a German national, said that the fire-bombing of the German city Dresden during World War II was critical in forming his opinion of human nature.

Dr. Geoffrey Cly, who worked as a backup doctor for Klopfer, told WBBM-TV that he thought the abortion doctor kept the fetuses as trophies.

View attachment 324614
Hopefully his death was an excruciating death.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage

Police were stunned to find more than 2,400 remains in boxes and other containers on Klopfer's property.

Klopfer, a German national, said that the fire-bombing of the German city Dresden during World War II was critical in forming his opinion of human nature.

Dr. Geoffrey Cly, who worked as a backup doctor for Klopfer, told WBBM-TV that he thought the abortion doctor kept the fetuses as trophies.

View attachment 324614
That's pretty wild!
I'm a little fuzzy on the harm here as most aborted fetuses are disposed by flushing down a toilet it seems.

I worked in the clean-up room, in my opinion the worst part of the clinic because it was so messy. You had to wear rubber gloves and it was like washing dishes. That’s where the babies were brought back. At the time I worked there, they only did first trimester abortions; they didn’t have facilities to do second trimester. But, oftentimes, second trimester abortions were performed and these babies we would not put in the little jar with the label to send off to the pathology lab. We would put them down a flushing toilet. They had a toilet that was mounted to the wall, and it was a continually flushing toilet; it didn’t have a lid or a handle. That’s where we would put these babies. They knew that they couldn’t turn them in or they were going to be found out that they were doing abortions which were too late term. This is what I participated in while I worked there.
In both these cases, medical waste was flushed into the sewer system, which is both unsanitary and disturbing. Sparks’ clinic flushed the bodies of older aborted babies in order to hide what they were doing.


Inordinately Right
That's pretty wild!
I'm a little fuzzy on the harm here as most aborted fetuses are disposed by flushing down a toilet it seems.

In both these cases, medical waste was flushed into the sewer system, which is both unsanitary and disturbing. Sparks’ clinic flushed the bodies of older aborted babies in order to hide what they were doing.
It's not really a big deal, his clinic was in LilMak's neighborhood, their lives don't matter.