Which employees get provided with a company cell?
Just started in the office and want to make sure I'm not using my personal when I could get a company phone.
What does "Just started in the office mean"? A clerk? Yard walker? PT/FT Sup.?
Just don't. See what happens.
I'd also guess if you are non-union, "they" could "make" you provide your own phone or be dismissed......
Hourly union.....can't imagine how they could. Now, are you on probation?
I know that at least the yard walkers at my building carried and used their own phones......instead of say walkie-talkies. Why? Cost.
UPS depends and counts on personal phone use........at every level. Even before cell phones.....UPS counted on pkg and feeder drivers to use customers phones. We used coins from COD money for pay phones.