Bin Laden


Für Meno :)
1952, eh ?
Well, it's 2011, and America is still giving money to Israel !
Did you figure out the "jewish plan" yet ? How many billions in todays money, and it just keeps giving ?


Well-Known Member
1952, eh ?
Well, it's 2011, and America is still giving money to Israel !
Did you figure out the "jewish plan" yet ? How many billions in todays money, and it just keeps giving ?

And what does any of that have to do with your statement that nobody ever gave anything to Germany? I suppose we should also ignore all the military aid we give Germany today(in the form of about 70000 troops)?


Für Meno :)
And what does any of that have to do with your statement that nobody ever gave anything to Germany? I suppose we should also ignore all the military aid we give Germany today(in the form of about 70000 troops)?

Germany doesn't even want them - take them home !
Go to Germany and ask around !

Amis go home !

Search that above !
1952, eh ?
Well, it's 2011, and America is still giving money to Israel !
Did you figure out the "jewish plan" yet ? How many billions in todays money, and it just keeps giving ?

Maybe you could come up with a "final solution" to deal with the Jews in Israel?


Well-Known Member
Germany doesn't even want them - take them home !
Go to Germany and ask around !

Amis go home !

Search that above !

Amazing their Country has renewed the status of forces agreement with the US nine time since the end of WWII. Beyond that their government protests with our government every time we have any type of reduction of troops. They've claimed everything to "it would leave them vulnerable to a surprise attack" to "would be very harmful to local economies".


Für Meno :)
Isn't this interesting ? :

During the George W. Bush administration, public opinion of America declined in most European countries. A Pew Global Attitudes Project poll shows "favorable opinions" of America between 2000 and 2006 dropping from 83% to 56% in the United Kingdom, from 62% to 39% in France, from 78% to 37% in Germany and from 50% to 23% in Spain


golden ticket member
Isn't this interesting ? :

During the George W. Bush administration, public opinion of America declined in most European countries. A Pew Global Attitudes Project poll shows "favorable opinions" of America between 2000 and 2006 dropping from 83% to 56% in the United Kingdom, from 62% to 39% in France, from 78% to 37% in Germany and from 50% to 23% in Spain

Not interesting because we don't give a flying flip what any other country thinks of us.....this isn't high school!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
In his own narcissistic mind!

So, Obama is able to go to any country and be greeted with open arms. Countries like Ireland are cheering for him in the streets. Our world view is at an all time high in just two years from an all time low, and you call him a narcissist?

President Bush today, even though hes been out of office for 2 years is still hated in every country except Israel and massive protests form every time he tries to go to another country.

Earlier this year, Former President Bush tried to visit Switzerland, and the trip had to be cancelled when a hundred thousand people formed to protest his steppin on their soil. In Addition, the majority of citizens there called for Bush's immediate arrest for war crimes. It is embarrassing for a country to have such a lighting rod of hate even when he is out of office.

Bush brought embarrassment to this country and Barack has restored our credibility.

You call what he says "lies", but politics plays a part in everything.

YOu say he LIED about Gitmo, but where did he lie? When he said he wanted it closed, every right wing kook cried about it and insisted it stayed open. He compromises and leaves it open after intense whinning from the GOP and now you call it a lie. Dont be ridiculous.

I know it will be hard, but at least try.



Engorged Member
Not interesting because we don't give a flying flip what any other country thinks of us.....this isn't high school!

That's interesting. In an interdependent global economy, perhaps it might be smart to care what other countries think of us. Obama gets this. Bush didn't, and neither do you. The days of the gun-slinging US cowboy mindset are done, except in your dreams. There is no such thing as "American Exceptionalism", because there are exceptional individuals in every country and culture. God hasn't "chosen" us to be special.