Bin Laden


golden ticket member
That's interesting. In an interdependent global economy, perhaps it might be smart to care what other countries think of us. Obama gets this. Bush didn't, and neither do you. The days of the gun-slinging US cowboy mindset are done, except in your dreams. There is no such thing as "American Exceptionalism", because there are exceptional individuals in every country and culture. God hasn't "chosen" us to be special.

Other countries only see us as their source of a paycheck.....we're the daddy giving the kids an allowance. It's time to cut the kids loose and let them fend for themselves!


Für Meno :)
Other countries only see us as their source of a paycheck.....we're the daddy giving the kids an allowance. It's time to cut the kids loose and let them fend for themselves!

Or see the US as their debtor !

As of November 2007, Japan ($580 billion), China ($390 billon) and the United Kingdom ($320 bilion) are the biggest foreign holders of our Debt. (click to see all countries).

As of March 2011:
China: 1.14 Trillion
Japan :908 Billion
UK : 325 Billion
Brazil : 194 Billion
Taiwan : 156 Billion
Russia : 128 Billion
Hong Kong : 122 Billion
Switzerland : 112 Billion
Canada : 93 Billion
Luxemborg : 81 Billion
Germany : 60 Billion
... and the list goes on....

Why do you think that the United States has sent at least two high-level envoys to China over the past year? It's because they are desperate for China to continue buying US debt, especially given the fact that the US will need to borrow nearly $10 trillion dollars MORE over the next decade to fund its deficit spending.

Economists predict that Social Security will no longer be a source of funding by around 2015, as the government will have to start paying out more than it takes in, barring any legislative changes.

This is one of the reasons why countries such as China and Japan will play such an important role over the next decade or so. If they decide that US debt is not a very smart investment, then the printing presses in the United States will need to hit overdrive.

This is never a good thing, but it seems almost unavoidable at this point.


Well-Known Member
So, Obama is able to go to any country and be greeted with open arms. Countries like Ireland are cheering for him in the streets. Our world view is at an all time high in just two years from an all time low, and you call him a narcissist?

President Bush today, even though hes been out of office for 2 years is still hated in every country except Israel and massive protests form every time he tries to go to another country.

Earlier this year, Former President Bush tried to visit Switzerland, and the trip had to be cancelled when a hundred thousand people formed to protest his steppin on their soil. In Addition, the majority of citizens there called for Bush's immediate arrest for war crimes. It is embarrassing for a country to have such a lighting rod of hate even when he is out of office.

Bush brought embarrassment to this country and Barack has restored our credibility.

You call what he says "lies", but politics plays a part in everything.

YOu say he LIED about Gitmo, but where did he lie? When he said he wanted it closed, every right wing kook cried about it and insisted it stayed open. He compromises and leaves it open after intense whinning from the GOP and now you call it a lie. Dont be ridiculous.

I know it will be hard, but at least try.


??? Bulletin just in: Bush has not been President for almost three years.

Lies or Just Politics :

Unemployment will stay under 8% !!---did not happen
No Lobbies or special interests groups--what a joke
Obama care will be good for all American's---except for excluded
Heath costs will go down---Health costs on the rise.
Shovel ready jobs -----No shovel ready jobs.
Bush tax cuts the problem ---Bush tax cuts still in place.
End the wars ---added an additional one.
No bill signed until American people see it --Joke
Jobs saved or created ???
Joe in charge of "stimulous" ????
Parties every week in White house while America suffers
Nrg plan in place ----Go fill up your car.
Food prices on the rise --Dollar almost dead.
With food and fuel --over 10% inflation
Trials in NY ---Trials ???
Gitmo to close ----Gitmo open with Dem full control !!
Against domestic drilling ---for domestic drilling

I just cannot wait to see what he Hopes and Promises us for his second term and than "politics" allows him not to "lie" but to do what he pleases.

I honestly feel sorry for the deep left or right --neither can see the truth and reality in front of their faces.
They are truly "Bamboozed":dissapointed:

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
??? Bulletin just in: Bush has not been President for almost three years.

Lies or Just Politics :

Unemployment will stay under 8% !!---did not happen
No Lobbies or special interests groups--what a joke
Obama care will be good for all American's---except for excluded
Heath costs will go down---Health costs on the rise.
Shovel ready jobs -----No shovel ready jobs.
Bush tax cuts the problem ---Bush tax cuts still in place.
End the wars ---added an additional one.
No bill signed until American people see it --Joke
Jobs saved or created ???
Joe in charge of "stimulous" ????
Parties every week in White house while America suffers
Nrg plan in place ----Go fill up your car.
Food prices on the rise --Dollar almost dead.
With food and fuel --over 10% inflation
Trials in NY ---Trials ???
Gitmo to close ----Gitmo open with Dem full control !!
Against domestic drilling ---for domestic drilling

I just cannot wait to see what he Hopes and Promises us for his second term and than "politics" allows him not to "lie" but to do what he pleases.

I honestly feel sorry for the deep left or right --neither can see the truth and reality in front of their faces.
They are truly "Bamboozed":dissapointed:

C'Mon Island..

Do I really have to address this list of nonsense? I guess so.

Lies or Just Politics :

Unemployment will stay under 8% !!---did not happen
(you and I both know this was a projection based on forecasts and NOT a guarantee. It did however stay under Ronald Reagans number of 10.7% in his second year and is improving every month)

No Lobbies or special interests groups--what a joke
(are you shocked? Lobbist is Washington? As if they only got there in 2008. Remember Jack Abramoff, thats a hard one for the right wing to live down)

Obama care will be good for all American's---except for excluded
(is it good for americans, just ask romney, oh yeah , they did 2 weeks ago and he said it was working fine and costs down)

Heath costs will go down---Health costs on the rise.
(health care costs are not up, HEALTH PREMIUMS are up and that rests solely with the insurance companies greed)

Shovel ready jobs -----No shovel ready jobs.
( there have been hundreds of projects started and completed and some still on going. In california, we have freeway projects all over the state increasing jobs as our unemployment numbers have dropped since)

Bush tax cuts the problem ---Bush tax cuts still in place.
(again, a compromise with republicans, set to expire and will expire next time around)

End the wars ---added an additional one.
(seriously? are we fighting in iraq?, afghanistan is about to come to an end, and seriously? Libya is a war? when was the last US military engagement in libya?)

No bill signed until American people see it --Joke

Jobs saved or created ???
(I posted the record for employment, all blue lines vs all red lines for BUSH....even you cant dispute that one)

Joe in charge of "stimulous" ????
Parties every week in White house while America suffers
(yeah, thats how blacks roll I guess, thats what I interpret you to say here)

Nrg plan in place ----Go fill up your car.
Food prices on the rise --Dollar almost dead.
(dollar gaining strength for three solid weeks now, commodities falling because of it, your argument is weak)
With food and fuel --over 10% inflation
(where do you see 10% inflation?)

Trials in NY ---Trials ???
Gitmo to close ----Gitmo open with Dem full control !!
(gitmo was a crying towel for the GOP, Obama was cool with trying them in the US, but the GOP didnt want any part of it, so Obama compromises and leaves it open, and the GOP takes out the towel again)

Against domestic drilling ---for domestic drilling
(obama isnt against domestic drilling, in FACT highest domestic offshore production in 6 years currently, what obama wants is for oil companies to use the EXISTING leases they currently have and ARE NOT using before new ones are issued.)

Cmon now Island, do some research.



golden ticket member
"......... In california, we have freeway projects all over the state increasing jobs as our unemployment numbers have dropped since)....."

On my freeway, we have 10-12 signs about the recovery act and highway improvement.....lots of signs, but no workers!!! Where are the workers??


golden ticket member
"..........No bill signed until American people see it --Joke...................."

I think that's a reference to Nancy's famous line....." We have to pass the bill before we know what's in it."..................OR, the way he was suppose to post bills online for 72 hours so Americans could see it for themselves. Whatever the reference, he didn't do it like he said.


Well-Known Member
Maybe after Obama visits some of the European nations and sees how these great nations have been run into the ground by socialist governments he will get a wake up call. Greece, Portugal and Spain are all suffering with the same kind of reckless spending that Obama and the dems subscribe to. You can blame Bush for some of it but when the dems took over congress in 2007 the ride downhill intensified to a degree never seen before. Spending us into oblivion is irresponsible and reckless!:angry:

Obama's glorified ancestral self indulgent parade and all the media hoopla does nothing for the state of things here that he should be concentrating on. What a disgrace and worthless use of our tax dollars.

Last edited:


Für Meno :)
And the Democrats don't see anything wrong with letting this fiasco continue.........................spend ! Spend!

Moreluck, the above article stating the US will borrow 10 Trillion in 10 years is actually the amount Bush was overspending (1 Trillion per year).
There is no additional spending from the dems, beside the 1 time stimulus.

If you want to avoid that 1 Trillion deficit per year, then you need to get rid of Bush tax cuts, and Medicaid part B (that's what is costing the extra trillion) !!!
But, reps don't want that ! And they also don't want to raise taxes !

So, hopefully, they'll find 1 magical way to find a Trillion to cut !

I have a simple solution, which is to raise retirement age up to 70 ! (save money on SS and medicare) !
Or just pay extra taxes, or even both.


golden ticket member
Moreluck, the above article stating the US will borrow 10 Trillion in 10 years is actually the amount Bush was overspending (1 Trillion per year).
There is no additional spending from the dems, beside the 1 time stimulus.

If you want to avoid that 1 Trillion deficit per year, then you need to get rid of Bush tax cuts, and Medicaid part B (that's what is costing the extra trillion) !!!
But, reps don't want that ! And they also don't want to raise taxes !

So, hopefully, they'll find 1 magical way to find a Trillion to cut !

I have a simple solution, which is to raise retirement age up to 70 ! (save money on SS and medicare) !
Or just pay extra taxes, or even both.

If you are saying Obama hasn't spent anything since taking are definitely, extremely misinformed!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
"......... In california, we have freeway projects all over the state increasing jobs as our unemployment numbers have dropped since)....."

On my freeway, we have 10-12 signs about the recovery act and highway improvement.....lots of signs, but no workers!!! Where are the workers??

MOreluck, i llive near YOU and the freeway projects on the 5 have been extensive. Widening the freeways to open up irvine has been a blessing. Road projects from san diego to Yosemite are extensive and take years. Weather plays a big part with cementers, heavy equiptment and support.

Dont even go with there are only signs, you dont want to make a liar out of yourself.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Maybe after Obama visits some of the European nations and sees how these great nations have been run into the ground by socialist governments he will get a wake up call. Greece, Portugal and Spain are all suffering with the same kind of reckless spending that Obama and the dems subscribe to. You can blame Bush for some of it but when the dems took over congress in 2007 the ride downhill intensified to a degree never seen before. Spending us into oblivion is irresponsible and reckless!:angry:

Obama's glorified ancestral self indulgent parade and all the media hoopla does nothing for the state of things here that he should be concentrating on. What a disgrace and worthless use of our tax dollars.



do you understand how the european nation functions? If you do, youd know that NOT ALL are all currency producing countries. Those that are not currency producers LIKE GREECE depend solely on the EU for funding. When a recession hits, countries like Greece have no other way to support themselves. As tourism diminishes, the countries economy fails and needs to be bailed out.

Greece has no way of paying its citizen employees without the bail out of the EU. They dont export anything, they dont make anything, they have no resources to sell. As the value of the Euro falls, inflation kills a country like Greece.

The US is NOT like greece.. We make our own money.

What happens in greece and other non currency producing countries in the EU can NEVER happen to the USA.

Hopefully , you didnt fail global civics and can understand this.

Republicans throw out Greece with full knowledge that it COULD NEVER happen in the US, the effect of throwing it out would be for people like Gladis Kravitz to gossip to friends planting seeds of doubt.


Peace :peaceful:


golden ticket member
MOreluck, i llive near YOU and the freeway projects on the 5 have been extensive. Widening the freeways to open up irvine has been a blessing. Road projects from san diego to Yosemite are extensive and take years. Weather plays a big part with cementers, heavy equiptment and support.

Dont even go with there are only signs, you dont want to make a liar out of yourself.


On the freeway 5 days in a row now....maybe a sprinkle on one workers in site. I know what I witness.


Für Meno :)
Maybe after Obama visits some of the European nations and sees how these great nations have been run into the ground by socialist governments he will get a wake up call. Greece, Portugal and Spain are all suffering with the same kind of reckless spending that Obama and the dems subscribe to. You can blame Bush for some of it but when the dems took over congress in 2007 the ride downhill intensified to a degree never seen before. Spending us into oblivion is irresponsible and reckless!:angry:

Obama's glorified ancestral self indulgent parade and all the media hoopla does nothing for the state of things here that he should be concentrating on. What a disgrace and worthless use of our tax dollars.


Why did you forget the most socialist Euro countries, such as Denmark and all of Scandinavia ?
Oh crap, those are the rich ones !

The Eurozone funtions differently then the USA.
The member countries are only allowed a certain deficit per year - they go over, and they are in trouble. The breaks are put on from Brussels !
They also can't control their own interest rates, either, or even print money for that matter.

The USA in the other hand basically relies on China, (oh yeah, the most socialist- communist big country - and rich).
When China finally puts on the breaks, you'll feel it big time, too - trust me !

I don't care who was in power, but in the last 20 years or more, the US only had 1 year of a budget surplus - everything else went into debt, including the Bush years !


Well-Known Member

do you understand how the european nation functions? If you do, youd know that NOT ALL are all currency producing countries. Those that are not currency producers LIKE GREECE depend solely on the EU for funding. When a recession hits, countries like Greece have no other way to support themselves. As tourism diminishes, the countries economy fails and needs to be bailed out.

Greece has no way of paying its citizen employees without the bail out of the EU. They dont export anything, they dont make anything, they have no resources to sell. As the value of the Euro falls, inflation kills a country like Greece.

The US is NOT like greece.. We make our own money.

What happens in greece and other non currency producing countries in the EU can NEVER happen to the USA.

Hopefully , you didnt fail global civics and can understand this.

Republicans throw out Greece with full knowledge that it COULD NEVER happen in the US, the effect of throwing it out would be for people like Gladis Kravitz to gossip to friends planting seeds of doubt.


Peace :peaceful:

Well, well monkey boy sure seems like your avatar is filled with hate. How come liberals are never happy? We all know liberalism is like a drug, a little bit a first eases the pain but heavy long term usage does you in...:happy-very:

First of all you don't know me, secondly your type of spin ain't nothing new!:peaceful::peaceful:

As far as Greece goes they're in a world of hurt, 47% of the people do not pay taxes and are on the receiving end of big government. Your claim that Greece has no way to support itself is HOGWASH!!

That reminds me of a story from last week where some guy in Michigan I think it was, had won the state lottery of $2 million and was still on food stamps, and when questioned felt entitled. This illustrates the kind of sickness that Obama espouses. Just like the state employees who feel entitled here, Greek hair dressers feel entitled to retire at age 50, are you getting the parallel yet?


Afterall we're not like Greece we make (print) our own money...We'll be fine...LMAO!!!!!!!!!:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
No disrespect intended. I live in the real world and do not wear the rose colored glasses of the left or the right.

Just ask ALL politicians to keep their word. If All Americans did the same we would be much more able to hold them accountable.
I do not believe in making excuses for Republicans or Democrats ---just call them as I clearly see them --no hidden agenda !!


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Now I've got that vision of the poor camel tied to a pole frozen in my brain!!! AND it's wearing the peek-a-boo burka!!

Pic alledgedly from OBL's porn stash.