Cancel culture—-ON TOPIC


Well-Known Member
Any questioning of mask wearing got one canceled on various platforms even though the science isn't clear on the left's position. Even mentioning evidence to the contrary gets you cancelled.

When you boil things down, it's just a way of controlling the narrative. If you study history, bad things happen when that is the norm.
If you're a Republican and you criticize donald or even just admit he lost the election, you get....wait for it...cancelled!


You mean riots. Looting, fires, and destruction is not protesting.
they were mostly peaceful. i know its hard to imagine but peaceful protest is a fairly mainstream idea. ppl dont typically vandalize in their everyday lives so its asking alot to expect them to suddenly do it during a protest.

that white house invasion, which percent of attendees invaded the white house and which percent did not?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
they were mostly peaceful. i know its hard to imagine but peaceful protest is a fairly mainstream idea. ppl dont typically vandalize in their everyday lives so its asking alot to expect them to suddenly do it during a protest.

that white house invasion, which percent of attendees invaded the white house and which percent did not?
Billions in damage/cost.


I'm a star
universities should have high quality speech. keep flat earthers out

If flat earth is not true, it shouldn't be a problem. You needn't silence things that are wrong, you should use them to increase your understanding of what's right. That's what I like about the flat earth "movement", while some might actually buy the theory, its real utility is to challenge people's assumptions. Do you really understand the things you say you believe, or do you believe them because someone else said they are true?


Proud Republican Against Trump (RAT)
Really? I'm talking about everything they're doing. Let's start with illegal immigrants. Want to tell us what they're actually doing instead of what we're supposedly being told? Let's talk energy policies. How about our commitment to defend Taiwan? Biden said the other day at that CNN townhall that the Chinese mass incarceration of Uighurs is a cultural thing. Really? How come his coronavirus vaccine rollout isn't more effective and his administration has backed away from earlier statements of how they were going to do it so much better? We can go on quite a ways with this and he's just over a month in. Y'all want to spend 4+ years lying and ragging on Trump then you'd better come up with the goods. Not seeing it and your propaganda doesn't make it so.
All good questions. Sorry I have not answered until I have had adequate time to. I still work for a living.

I will spend the next four years ragging on Trump and anybody else who espouses Trumpism - just as I have done for the last four years.

I am a Republican. I have been since before I was old enough to vote. I still vote in the Republican primary. But on election day I cast my vote against my party - proudly. Several days later I was glad to see them defeated. And I will be damned if I will accept anyone else telling me what my party affiliation is. Barry Goldwater was a conservative Republican and I know in my heart that he had the balls to speak out against the kind of BS that the Republican Party under Trump stands for just as John McCain did. Lindsey Graham spoke out against it, so did Ted Cruz - but when they realized that Trumpism had seized the party they backed down like the cowards that they are and chose their own self-interest over both their principles (such as they were) and their country.

Guess what? We lost. And that means that Democrats get to set policy to the extent that they can. Nothing they do is going to end life as we know it as most of you believe due to your thought guides telling you so over and over and over. This is pure Nixonian politicing taken to a ridiculous extreme but there are no longer men of good conscience to stand up and say "at long last, have you no decency?"

Democrats aren't communists. Socialists and communists aren't the same thing no matter how many of you are uneducated enough to allow yourself to believe otherwise. There is nothing that is going to pass that pushes the boundaries anywhere near either Socialism or Communism. Life will go on.

Ever since Gingrich, the Republican Party has been pushing the Overton window to the right. Now it has gone so far to the right that it aligns with or exceeds the John Birch Society's views. In addition, the stock and trade of the Republican party started to become fools and liars - which came to full fruition with Trump.

You have let your thought guides tell you that democrats are communists, they want abortion even after birth, they want open borders, they're coming after your guns, they have set up re-education camps, they eat children in satanic rituals etc., but none of it is true. We saw the consequences in the shameful display of hate and ignorance at the Capitol on January 6th. Patriots? Don't make me laugh.

There is nothing that is going to happen in the next four years that is going to end our country no matter how gullible you are in believing Trump. I have traveled the world extensively and I have seen many countries that have instituted policies that are to the left of anything the Democrats are proposing - and life goes on.

Oh no Biden said that the Uighur genocide is cultural. It is, cultural genocide. I haven't looked up his full context yet but I will. I don't trust the people here to do it for me since your brain trust actually seems to believe that the media is ignoring the downturn in Corona virus cases and is ignorant enough to post and article that does just that in paragraph four and yet still believes it is true. This would be embarassing if you had the intelligence to realize it. Trump told the world in his inaugural address that we would no longer judge foreign countries based on our standards of human rights and then promptly sucked up to every two bit dictator he could. His foreign policy followed this path and was totally inept at protecting our interests. North Korea is a good example, he gained nothing from Kim Jong Un but a note saying how great Trump is while giving them pretty much everything they wanted and far more than they ever thought possible. What did Trump tell Xi Jingping about the Uighur camps? From multiple firsthand sources, he told him that putting them in concentration camps was "exactly the right thing to do". So spare me your crocodile tears over the Uighurs.

The Republican Party is now a sad parody of the party I have belonged to my whole life and I am not alone in feeling that way. There are enough of me out there to have lost the Republican Party the Presidency - but still far too few. The Party needs a colon cleanse and I had hoped that it would be coming after the election. But the dumbness and hate is too strong for that to happen. I hope it will in the future.

Meanwhile, today's so called "Republicans" are hard at work demonizing those that don't agree with them as if their were Julius Streicher. Anybody that opposes them in the slightest way is immediately and ignorantly called "A Communiss" and their views are cancelled while all the while, you rage about Cancel Culture. This has been exactly my experience on this very forum.

There is little left of the party now but liars and fools. Unfortunately, that also means that there are few intelligent men of principle to restrain them. But don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. Gonna be right here kicking against the pricks.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
It’s always been amazing to me the way blacks have tried tried erase slavery instead of embrace American history. We fought that war. Right won.
Today, blacks sow hate, racism, and violence and blame instead of looking up and talking about how far the country has came since the war and since the sixties. If you say we haven’t come a long way as a country, you’re a liar.
We can always get better in all kinds of areas and there will always be extreme idiots but, nothing will improve as long the left keeps pushing and promoting the narrative.


Inordinately Right
I am a Republican. I have been since before I was old enough to vote. I still vote in the Republican primary. But on election day I cast my vote against my party - proudly. Several days later I was glad to see them defeated. And I will be damned if I will accept anyone else telling me what my party affiliation is. Barry Goldwater was a conservative Republican and I know in my heart that he had the balls to speak out against the kind of BS that the Republican Party under Trump stands for just as John McCain did. Lindsey Graham spoke out against it, so did Ted Cruz - but when they realized that Trumpism had seized the party they backed down like the cowards that they are and chose their own self-interest over both their principles (such as they were) and their country.

Guess what? We lost. And that means that Democrats get to set policy to the extent that they can. Nothing they do is going to end life as we know it as most of you believe due to your thought guides telling you so over and over and over. This is pure Nixonian politicing taken to a ridiculous extreme but there are no longer men of good conscience to stand up and say "at long last, have you no decency?"

Democrats aren't communists. Socialists and communists aren't the same thing no matter how many of you are uneducated enough to allow yourself to believe otherwise. There is nothing that is going to pass that pushes the boundaries anywhere near either Socialism or Communism. Life will go on.

Ever since Gingrich, the Republican Party has been pushing the Overton window to the right. Now it has gone so far to the right that it aligns with or exceeds the John Birch Society's views. In addition, the stock and trade of the Republican party started to become fools and liars - which came to full fruition with Trump.

You have let your thought guides tell you that democrats are communists, they want abortion even after birth, they want open borders, they're coming after your guns, they have set up re-education camps, they eat children in satanic rituals etc., but none of it is true. We saw the consequences in the shameful display of hate and ignorance at the Capitol on January 6th. Patriots? Don't make me laugh.

There is nothing that is going to happen in the next four years that is going to end our country no matter how gullible you are in believing Trump. I have traveled the world extensively and I have seen many countries that have instituted policies that are to the left of anything the Democrats are proposing - and life goes on.

Oh no Biden said that the Uighur genocide is cultural. It is, cultural genocide. I haven't looked up his full context yet but I will. I don't trust the people here to do it for me since your brain trust actually seems to believe that the media is ignoring the downturn in Corona virus cases and is ignorant enough to post and article that does just that in paragraph four and yet still believes it is true. This would be embarassing if you had the intelligence to realize it. Trump told the world in his inaugural address that we would no longer judge foreign countries based on our standards of human rights and then promptly sucked up to every two bit dictator he could. His foreign policy followed this path and was totally inept at protecting our interests. North Korea is a good example, he gained nothing from Kim Jong Un but a note saying how great Trump is while giving them pretty much everything they wanted and far more than they ever thought possible. What did Trump tell Xi Jingping about the Uighur camps? From multiple firsthand sources, he told him that putting them in concentration camps was "exactly the right thing to do". So spare me your crocodile tears over the Uighurs.

The Republican Party is now a sad parody of the party I have belonged to my whole life and I am not alone in feeling that way. There are enough of me out there to have lost the Republican Party the Presidency - but still far too few. The Party needs a colon cleanse and I had hoped that it would be coming after the election. But the dumbness and hate is too strong for that to happen. I hope it will in the future.

Meanwhile, today's so called "Republicans" are hard at work demonizing those that don't agree with them as if their were Julius Streicher. Anybody that opposes them in the slightest way is immediately and ignorantly called "A Communiss" and their views are cancelled while all the while, you rage about Cancel Culture. This has been exactly my experience on this very forum.

There is little left of the party now but liars and fools. Unfortunately, that also means that there are few intelligent men of principle to restrain them. But don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. Gonna be right here kicking against the pricks.
There isn't a single person on this site who believes you're a republican or a conservative.

You can keep pretending if it's fun for you but you just look silly kiddo.