Christmas Eve and ground deliveries.


Well-Known Member
I have a friend that is convinced that Christmas eve, until about 2009 was an air only delivery day. I told him he is up in the night. Some of my worst days I have ever had were Christmas eve in the early 2000s. That has always been a day where every misload needed to be delivered. Ground or otherwise. Does anyone have a link or picture to show him that Christmas Eve was not an air only day up until recently?


Retired 23 years
I have a friend that is convinced that Christmas eve, until about 2009 was an air only delivery day. I told him he is up in the night. Some of my worst days I have ever had were Christmas eve in the early 2000s. That has always been a day where every misload needed to be delivered. Ground or otherwise. Does anyone have a link or picture to show him that Christmas Eve was not an air only day up until recently?

Tell him he is friggin nuts. Christmas Eve could be terrible or ok depending. We had guys out until 9 p.m. and in as early as 3. It all depended on what day of the week Christmas fell on. And as far as "only air deliver" he is wrong. Christmas Eve was one of those days where EVERYTHING had an attempted delivery.


nowhere special

Maple Grove MN Driver

Cocaine Mang!
Christmas Eve is when we flushed the system.
Everything got delivered.
I remember delivering to a house in 2003 on Christmas Eve at 830pm
Family felt so bad for me.
Made me a Prime Rib Sammich.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I have a friend that is convinced that Christmas eve, until about 2009 was an air only delivery day. I told him he is up in the night. Some of my worst days I have ever had were Christmas eve in the early 2000s. That has always been a day where every misload needed to be delivered. Ground or otherwise. Does anyone have a link or picture to show him that Christmas Eve was not an air only day up until recently?
Xmas eve was typically a light day. Maybe in by 3-4 pm. That last 3 years or so, it's been a 10 plus hour day. This year who knows?


KTM rider
Xmas eve was typically a light day. Maybe in by 3-4 pm. That last 3 years or so, it's been a 10 plus hour day. This year who knows?
Back in the day, we had to take our full lunch and break. 3 of us used to meet for lunch at a Chinese food joint and have a full-blown, sit down dinner. It was a nice cap to peak.

A couple of years, covering another area, the owner of a small shop invited me to their Christmas Eve dinner. Usually had less than 20 stops left, so it was easy to hang out for an hour and still get done at a reasonable time.

Now, it is a 9+ hour dispatch, green light of death always comes on, "Can you help someone?" No. I cannot.


cap'n crunch
One year on Christmas eve, we got the order to deliver "anything that looked like a Christmas package" No matter what. For the first time all year, I got a package that was not only not mine, but it was about 25 miles past our building's boundary. Unfortunately it was wrapped in brown paper, with hand a written address on it. My helper and I took off, headed north. Luckily I had a map book for the next county and I found the house. Waaaay down a dirt road. Pulled up about 10:30 pm. Honked my horn cause I didn't want to get shot. A little old lady about 70 years old came out to the truck. She thought her extended family had forgotten about her. It was a package from her neices and nephews. She was really emotional and started crying. Even though I didn't punch out till 11:30pm, I didn't mind. It made my day and peak.


Well-Known Member
One year on Christmas eve, we got the order to deliver "anything that looked like a Christmas package" No matter what. For the first time all year, I got a package that was not only not mine, but it was about 25 miles past our building's boundary. Unfortunately it was wrapped in brown paper, with hand a written address on it. My helper and I took off, headed north. Luckily I had a map book for the next county and I found the house. Waaaay down a dirt road. Pulled up about 10:30 pm. Honked my horn cause I didn't want to get shot. A little old lady about 70 years old came out to the truck. She thought her extended family had forgotten about her. It was a package from her neices and nephews. She was really emotional and started crying. Even though I didn't punch out till 11:30pm, I didn't mind. It made my day and peak.
Had a similar story. Package boxing was all torn up. So bad I was just going to sheet it missed and not attempt but wasn't sure if it was a gift or not. I took the mangeled box to the door and explained to her she could open it and inspect and I'll still return it if she didn't want it. She took it and thanked me 100 times. It was the last gift she was waiting for which was for her son. Those days are few and far between but they stick with you.


Well-Known Member
Agree, Rod. Hey preload, how many stops do I have today? "I don't know, as he does a few more slashes on[/QU
One year on Christmas eve, we got the order to deliver "anything that looked like a Christmas package" No matter what. For the first time all year, I got a package that was not only not mine, but it was about 25 miles past our building's boundary. Unfortunately it was wrapped in brown paper, with hand a written address on it. My helper and I took off, headed north. Luckily I had a map book for the next county and I found the house. Waaaay down a dirt road. Pulled up about 10:30 pm. Honked my horn cause I didn't want to get shot. A little old lady about 70 years old came out to the truck. She thought her extended family had forgotten about her. It was a package from her neices and nephews. She was really emotional and started crying. Even though I didn't punch out till 11:30pm, I didn't mind. It made my day and peak.
Last year i was shuttled some late air and told to deliver it all. it could be Christmas. Last one was a 15 mile deadhead, when i got there after dark the excited family met me at the door. But then the schoolteacher mom said it was just some toner she needed for school and said she really didnt need for a week.