

golden ticket member
I know I am being repetitive. In less than 20 m0nths --Hillary will lose 30 pounds, have a face lift and new hair do --will write a book and will be making speeches and adding to her war chest.

Bill, Hillary and Obama --all enjoy the adulation and are excellent campainers. Hillary will be a shoe in for 2016 unless a major financial collapse takes place before that time.

The only duo I see even making it close would be a Carson/Rubio ticket.

In 20 months the Media will have all the low informed voters believing that Bengazi is Chelsia's dog.:happy-very:

She will divorce. She will have a lesbian hook up. You left out future brain bleeds !!! (I'm just sayin)


Well-Known Member
I know I am being repetitive. In less than 20 m0nths --Hillary will lose 30 pounds, have a face lift and new hair do --will write a book and will be making speeches and adding to her war chest.

Bill, Hillary and Obama --all enjoy the adulation and are excellent campainers. Hillary will be a shoe in for 2016 unless a major financial collapse takes place before that time.

The only duo I see even making it close would be a Carson/Rubio ticket.

In 20 months the Media will have all the low informed voters believing that Bengazi is Chelsia's dog.:happy-very:

Here is an interesting video, if you are interested:

Book Discussion on [America the Beautiful] - C-SPAN Video Library


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Several democrats are saying that sequesration is hampering our security and Hoyer said that the Boston bombing is proof that sequester is hampering the investigtion. Are they serious???

So like now the pres. will cancel his Hampton getaway so the investigation won't be hampered???? What a bunch of politicians......idiots!!

Like he said yesterday there are no democrats or republicans.......only Americans......well, that was yesterday. Today is a different day.

What a disgusting display, people were killed and maimed less than 24 hours ago and Democrats are coming out of the woodwork exploiting it to push their liberal agenda.
Via Politico:
With the Boston Marathon bombings less than 24 hours old, some on Capitol Hill are beginning to say the attack shows why Congress should’ve stopped automatic spending cuts from taking hold in March. [...]
Rep. Xavier Becerra of California, the chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, said that the first responders working Monday aren’t sheltered from cuts.
“We have to send you less money to help your first responders,” Becerra said.
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golden ticket member
All In The Family

The US has entered into a contract with a real estate firm to sell 56 buildings that currently house U.S. Post Offices. The government has decided it no longer needs these buildings, many of which are located on prime land in towns and cities across the country.

The sale of these properties will fetch billions of dollars and a handsome 6% commission to the company handling the sales. That company belongs to a man named Richard Blum. Who is Richard Blum you ask?

Why the husband of Senator Dianne Feinstein, that's who. What a bunch of crooks we have running this country!

Senator Feinstein and her husband, Richard Blum, stand to make a fortune. His firm, C.R. I., is the sole real estate company offering these properties for sale. Of course, C.R.I. will be making a 6% commission on the sale of each and every one of these postal properties.

All of these properties that are being sold are all fully paid for. They were purchased with U.S. taxpayers dollars, and they are allowed free and clear by the U.S.P.S. The only cost to keep them is the cost to actually keep the doors open and the heat and lights on. The United States Postal Service doesn't even have to pay property taxes on these subject properties. Would you sell your house just because you couldn't afford to pay the electric bill?

Well, the Post Office is.

How does a powerful U.S. Senator from
San Francisco manage to get away with such a sweet deal?

A powerful United States Senator's husband is standing by, all ready to make millions from a U.S. taxpayer funded enterprise.

No one in the mainstream media is even raising an eyebrow over his 6% commission on the sale of hundreds of millions of dollar's worth of quasi-public assets.

Pass this info on before it's pulled from the internet.

True on Snopes: CBRE/Richard Blum and USPS


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Wasn't your Rep caught with his pants down?

Prostitution incident

In 1993, two Corona, California, police officers found Calvert with a woman in his car, his pants unzipped and his penis exposed. When one officer spotlit the interior of the vehicle, Calvert attempted to drive away. The officers instructed him to stop three times before he complied. Calvert told the police that he and the woman, who said she was a convicted prostitute and a heroin user, were "just talking."[SUP][27][/SUP][SUP][28][/SUP] The Press-Enterprise later went to court to force the Corona police to release the police report.[SUP][29]

Vote him out!!!!


golden ticket member
Wasn't your Rep caught with his pants down?

Prostitution incident

In 1993, two Corona, California, police officers found Calvert with a woman in his car, his pants unzipped and his penis exposed. When one officer spotlit the interior of the vehicle, Calvert attempted to drive away. The officers instructed him to stop three times before he complied. Calvert told the police that he and the woman, who said she was a convicted prostitute and a heroin user, were "just talking."[SUP][27][/SUP][SUP][28][/SUP] The Press-Enterprise later went to court to force the Corona police to release the police report.[SUP][29]

Vote him out!!!!
The San Diego mayor has more offenses......he's a toucher & feeler and he's from a different he says. Like it was alright to feel women up 40 years ago, but not now.
There are plenty of political screw ups out there and Filthy Filner is a big one. Power, you know? People (victims) need to speak up !!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
The San Diego mayor has more offenses......he's a toucher & feeler and he's from a different he says. Like it was alright to feel women up 40 years ago, but not now.
There are plenty of political screw ups out there and Filthy Filner is a big one. Power, you know? People (victims) need to speak up !!

Do you vote for the mayor in San Diego? Did you vote for Calvert?


golden ticket member
It's a ridiculous waste of money no doubt about that. But let's be honest.... the lawmaker says he's concerned about trillion dollar deficits, so spends his time working on the 40,000 dollar portraits. Ya, that'll help buddy.
The pennies add up and you have to start somewhere!!


Inordinately Right
The pennies add up and you have to start somewhere!!
I see math is not your thing.
The added interest on our debt alone would far outweigh the cost of the paintings before he even got done ordering some intern to write up the BS law he proposed in order to get publicity. The painting that he is referencing was of an EPA employee, and he is a Republican in oil Louisiana. He did it for publicity and you ate it up like a hungry little sheep.
Social Security, Medicare, Military.... if he wanted to address our debt, he should have started there.

He's driving a car and the gas tank is leaking, but he's worried about how running his a/c affects his gas mileage. It's a joke.


golden ticket member
I see math is not your thing.
The added interest on our debt alone would far outweigh the cost of the paintings before he even got done ordering some intern to write up the BS law he proposed in order to get publicity. The painting that he is referencing was of an EPA employee, and he is a Republican in oil Louisiana. He did it for publicity and you ate it up like a hungry little sheep.
Social Security, Medicare, Military.... if he wanted to address our debt, he should have started there.

He's driving a car and the gas tank is leaking, but he's worried about how running his a/c affects his gas mileage. It's a joke.
I've stayed within a household budget for 46 years (today). Math IS my thing (Mu Alpha Theta)'s more than the pres. can do.