Dell drops UPS, will use rivals


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Yesterday, I was at my last Pickup when a Fredex Ground truck pulled up. I talk to other drivers that work for our competition, we share a lot in common. Anyway, Ground has the Dell account now. They are still Signature Required, and the other driver hates them too. His route is more spread out than mine, and it costs him money out of his pocket to make extra attempts. DHL has been handling the small Dell boxes (like the surge protectors) for a while, I don't think they handle the PCs themselves. I thought I heard on the news that pretty soon you will be able to go to Walmart and buy a Dell.


Industrial Slob
hahahaha, we'll see how they are with DHL.

i'd also love to see how FedEx Ground will handle sig req'd packages, considering how much kicking and screaming clients have to do in order to receive a POD from the point of delivery.


The Fishing UPS Guy
Weird, I'm STILL getting Dell's. I delivered 3 today, and have had systems almost everyday for the last couple weeks. Various sizes, so not like it's just one style they're shipping through us. Not sure if they're keeping an account with us "just in case".

Anonymous CSA

Having worked in customer service for UPS, I can testify that Dell customers got special consideration, and that special procedures were in place for Dell, such as no "alt address" DCR's, for example. Some of the nastiest callers one could dread having were from Dell customer's who demanded a second delivery attempt when one had already been made that day. On top of that, Dell computers suck, and their tech support call centers in India suck too.


golden ticket member
I thought I heard somewhere that Dell & Walmart were schmoozing..........maybe in the future, home delivery won't be much of an issue. Maybe everybody will just pick up their Dell at their local Walmart store.